Hello Barbara,

> Thanks for the explanation, Frank. This modality is pretty confusing for 
> somebody who's used to "update queries" from that other program! Maybe 
> the doc should all make it clear that the Designer is only for SELECT 
> commands (nothing else produces a result set, right?), and the Tools | 
> SQL option is for all the rest. The examples included for that all 
> looked truly administrative, be nice if it mentioned UPDATE. The term 
> "administrative" is easily misunderstood, it brings to mind  "something 
> only the database administrator is supposed to do" and has the 
> implication of being separate from the actual content of the data. 

While you are at submitting bugs: The best way to ensure the help gets
updated is to submit issues for it.

> Interestingly, the Designer would save the invalid form of the command 
> (the TRIM with missing parameters) but neither of the valid ones,

which might also be worth an issue. Seems our parser thinks that TRIM
doesn't require parameters.

> Now I think it's time for me to go back through all this, submit any 
> RFEs/bug reports that aren't already there, and post a summary with all 
> the reference numbers that apply to the things I've run into.


> It'll 
> probably take a while to get to it, though. Should the addition of 
> leading and trailing blanks for copies from Writer be considered a bug, 
> or is changing that an RFE?

Definitely a bug.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer         [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems                      http://www.sun.com/staroffice -
- OpenOffice.org Base                       http://dba.openoffice.org -
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