Am Mittwoch, den 29.08.2007, 16:16 -0500 schrieb Barbara Duprey:
> Yes, I really, really want to go to 2.3, but the site is still offering 
> 2.2.1 as the latest stable release and I'm not sure a development build 
> is what I want. So I seem to have these choices: stick with 2.0.4 until 
> 2.3 comes out and then upgrade; upgrade to 2.2.1 and then to 2.3 in a 
> few(?) days; upgrade to the latest 2.3 development build and then to 2.3 
> when it's stable. Are you saying that the latest 2.3 development build 
> really is stable enough for production work? If so, I'll gladly go to 
> it. I'm on WinXP, us-en, so the more arcane aspects of locale and so on 
> don't really affect me.

Don't be shy, upgrading on a windows machine is pretty easy and fast. I
did it while watching TV last time. ;)

The only thing I'm not really sure about is which version replaces the
installed one and which is installing itself side by side. I think the
readme will tell or there are some command line switches.

At least the 2.3.0-dev version installed itself in parallel to an
existing 2.2.0 release by default.


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