Posted the below yesterday, but no reply. I'd be very interested in
getting confirmation re some of the specific questions as well as
hearing thoughts about the general comments at the end. Please use the
copy below to go through, as I've reworded quite a bit for clarity and
removed certain sections which I now understand.


On Thu, 2007-09-06 at 16:19 +0200, Andreas Saeger wrote:

> > 2. How to add a column? 
> > 
> This should work in the design view.

I see. But in the design view, it looks like one can only add new
columns at the table's end. Is it possible to insert one in
the middle, in the design view itself?
> All SQL commands for the underlying hsqldb are documented here:
> http://hsqldb.org/web/hsqlDocsFrame.html

Thank you, I went and to a look at this website.

> Example:

ok, that is good that it can be inserted in the middle via SQL. I guess
that's the only way to get a column inserted in the middle of a table?

> > 3. How to move a column from one location to another? 
> > 
> Simply don't. The order of columns is not relevant. 

For me, it is helpful to be able to do so. Because: 

1. The columns in my Base table are not at all in the order they were in
in my MS Access table. I had the columns arranged in an order that was
convenient to me. Now it is not conveniently arranged. Is the best way
to set this up, in the spreadsheet before I import it into Base?

2. My tables are often evolving entities, that get added to as they
mature through time. Call it bad database planning, but that is often
the way it works with my projects. In MS Access, this was not at all a
problem. Right there in the GUI of the main table view one can insert
columns anywhere in the table, delete columns, and in this view move
columns if needed according to one's evolving convenience for easy data

> > 4. How to save the file?
> > 
> > I've added a couple of rows to the table. Now I want to save my work and
> > close the table. But the "save" option in the "File" drop-down menu is
> > grayed out. And if I do ctrl-s, it just types an "s" wherever the cursor
> > is. So I am afraid to close the table, for fear I'll lose what I added.
> > 
> When you add/remove/edit your data, you are simply using the database.
> All changes are written as soon as leave the current record. 

Here "record" refers to a given row of the table, right? So that means
that as soon as one finishes entering data in one row of the table and
moves to another, the data entered in the prior row is, would it be
alright to say, saved?

For example, say for the sake of illustrating the point that one loses
power in the middle of one's work, and the computer goes down. Will the
data entered in all rows ("records") prior to the current one, be

> Esc will
> drop all edits on the current record (just like Access).
> The odb database document needs to be saved only if you changed the
> structure of the database.


My desire is just to clearly understand that the data I enter in the
table is saved. When we say that the edits will be dropped on
the record, is that here a synonym for saved?

In the process of working on a table, in MS Access I was in the habit of
periodically doing Ctrl-s to save my work as I go. Is there no need for
this then, in Base?

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Some general observations/questions:

It seems like there is more conveniently available in the main GUI
interface of an MS Access table, than in a Base table. In Base
one has to go to the SQL screen (what do SQL and HSQL stand for?) for
many simple daily operations which in MS Access are carried out right in
the main GUI. 

I am really just a lay user, and so am not familiar with what may
actually be a more powerful design in Base than in Access. But is the
style of requiring various types of activities such as renaming columns
or adding columns etc to be done in the SQL screen-- is it intentionally
kept this way by the Base designers ie is it felt to be better this way?
Or is it that, Base is at an earlier stage of development than Access
and therefore has not yet incorporated these operations into its main
table GUI? 

I am just curious about these things, because perhaps it is
just out of my own ignorance that the Base design seems more
inconvenient to the general inexperienced user, than the MS Access
design. As I say, perhaps the Base design is in fact more powerful than
the MS Access design. About these things I know very little. 

But in my impression the average, lay database user may not find the
current version of Base to be so convenient because of having to engage
in more technical sorts of activities like carrying out actions in the
SQL screen. And I went to the HSQLD website, but somehow did not find
the explanations there very accessible for a new user. There is no
introduction for example, explaining what SQL is or why it is useful.
And the various SQL commands somehow did not seem very clearly explained
for a new user. 

The general function of the Base table seems to require a level of
computer language which may be alot for the average user who wants to
see everything clearly labeled in plain English in the main table GUI. I
would very much like to hear the comments of a more experienced user
about all these things. For it may well be that the set-up of Base is
more powerful than Access and upon becoming more familiar with it I may
find that it is indeed better.


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