-----Original Message-----
>From: Marc Santhoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Sep 1, 2007 2:40 AM
>To: dev@dba.openoffice.org
>Subject: Re: [dba-dev] problems importing MSA files into OO Base
>Am Freitag, den 31.08.2007, 13:23 -0400 schrieb Dinbandhu:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I've just joined this mailing list today. I've been struggling to import
>> my first MS Access file into Linux (Ubuntu) OO Base for the past 2-3
>> days, without success. I've actually described the entire tale on the
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] list. Drew has given me some very helpful tips;
>> yet up till now I could not get success. Don't know if anyone has a
>> moment to take a look at the [EMAIL PROTECTED] archive for the
>> past two days and could let me know their thoughts on how to get an
>> import done. Also, when I just do a 'connect to preexisting file', then
>> the result is a "read-only" file. Don't know why.
>Not having followed the complete thread on [EMAIL PROTECTED] I can add some
>small hints:
>Having the access database in an .odb writable only worked when
>switching the connection type from ADO to ODBC. In windows I registered
>a user connection in the ODBC-manager and used that from OO.o.

What is the default connection type? Is it ADO? 

I have two computers, each a dual boot with Win/Ubuntu. One computer is XP, and 
the other Win98. The import fails with both computers, but right now I am 
working in the Win98 machine. In Win98 how do you register a user connection in 
the ODBC-manager? (And in XP, where is that done?)

>Copying from this .odb showing the access tables showed up two things in
>a quick test. I used drag & drop to copy tables from the access base
>window to the target base window:
>- If the primary key is based on a text column, OO.o-base doesn't like
>it (read: doesn't add the PK itself). This was solvable by ignoring the
>fact there is no primary key and editing the table definition in the
>target .odb later only setting the text column to "primary key".

My primary key in MS Access is not based on a text column. It is an integer. 
When you say "based on a text column", does that mean that the data is of type 
"text"? I don't see why the primary key would be of "text" type when it is a 
number? Even then, I'll check it again when I get home.

>- Importing truth values (aka boolean values) the column produced an
>error when copying. I deleted the empty table in the target doc and
>started once again, this time setting the vachar(1)-column to a boolean
>value column in the wizard and the import worked flawlessly.

This could also be a problem in my table. I do have one yes/no column, which is 
of course boolean. Base's "copy table wizard" did not classify it properly, so 
I corrected it.  I'm not sure I understood your instruction as to the resetting 
of the vachar(1)-column, by deleting the table etc. Isn't it enough just to 
reset the field type of the boolean column to the correct type?

>My setup is made of Win98se, OO.o 2.2 and an old access .mdb. I cannot
>tell which version of access was used to create it, must be one of
>Acc95, Acc97, Acc2k.
>Concluding I have to say it is not trivial to import tables from Access
>to OO.o/HSQL but it's not that hard to get it done, at least for a well
>trained user having some basic db knowledge.

Thank you for your suggestions. I really do not know what the problem is. A few 
different people have given suggestions, and I've followed them carefully but 
without success. (Andreas did suggest doing the import via a spreadsheet. That 
I haven't tried yet, but will try tonight.) By this point, it is difficutl to 
know what the cause of the failure it. If you go into the [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
archive, you'll see the description of just what has been happening. If you are 
able to do so, I would very much appreciate hearing your perspective.


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