Hi Frank,

Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany escribió:
Hi Ariel,

I would add to the wiki

Oh, you're right, Writer/Web uses it, too. Thanks for pointing that out.

Since you carelessly used the words "I would ...", let me remind you
that this is a Wiki, which means collaborative editing ;)

Thanks & Ciao

I do not add the following to the Wiki: these are only some night-thought (it's 2:00 AM here!) I found of interest, hope you too:

* 1) the future implementation should get the font settings from OOo's
configuration. In the UI: "Tools" - "Options" - "Fonts": the "Font
settings for HTML and Basic" should be extended to "HTML, Basic and SQL"

* 2) the future implementation should have colors settings. In the UI,
"Tools" - "Options" – "Appearance", a new configuration node for SQL
syntax should be added, just like the HTML document, the Basic syntax
highlighting (and the report designer) actually have

With these two things the new implementation will be "in touch" with the
other modules.

* 3 and most important) if you people are going to create a new
implementation, I think you should see the full picture and consider the
future of this one; by this I'm meaning:

1) use always API where there is one already (I don't need to tell you
this to you ;-) for as long as there is some API available, you use it
in the code),

2) you should think about making this suitable for future developers to
develop extensions using only OOo API.
OOo extensions site is miles away from Firefox/Thunderbird add-ons. A
way to make this site grow is to allow future developers a "complete"
manipulation of OOo features using just the API.

In the way I understand the extensions, they are there to provide the
user with extras features that, may be, there is no sense at all to
include them in the main code, but they can be useful to the end user
(for example a web browser does not need at all a media player, but for
the user it can be useful to play his music from the web browser, and if
he want so, he can install an extension - just like the one in Firefox
for this feature).

In this case, for example, the new implementation should implement
XContextMenuInterception: it may be useful to intercept the context menu
to pop up a menu allowing the user to use new features (for example
inserting SQL syntax templates just like OOoMath does). Another useful
thing would be SQL code completion. And I can imagine a lot more.

As an example, you can see what I've playing with: I implemented my on
SQL Direct Dialog. An "Extras" btn. displays the extras: in a list box
you can select SQL syntax templates to insert in the edit control. This
templates have wild cards <table_name>, etc, and just like in OOoMath,
pressing F4 the wild card get selected and you can fill it with the
corresponding literals. And in the edit control you can choose to pop up
a menu (very OOo Math-like) to select the SQL templates to be inserted
in the control.

This context menu (like the one on OOoMath commands window) is something
that can be implemented on the new OOoBase SQL implementation (if we
have an XContextMenuInterceptor implementation) by an extension,
providing different SQL templates for the different RDBMS, etc.

I'm not sure if this could be of some help to you people!
Just think about it as some night-thoughts!

Bye and luck!

Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina



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