
This email is a follow up to the "Where is Base" email from a while back. There are two main issues that it deals with:



Recently on the user list Ariel asked a question regarding "a normal use for Base", the context of which was dealing with a user trying to produce a report against a 20,000 record table.

A few weeks or so ago on the documentation mailing list, while discussing the mid-level Base tutorial, Joe Smith entered this:

Are there any plans to include a section comparing, in practical terms, which database type to choose for some typical projects?

E.g. if you need a database that's a single file and can be easily e-mailed to another office, you probably want the embedded engine (HSQLDB for now).

Or, if you need a database that can be easily edited or massaged en mass, a spreadsheet might be the best option (if you can live with the no-update bug).

Or, if you have 500,000 records, to be accessed concurrently by 20 employees, you probably don't want to use csv files.

This is a critical choice that the current UI gives almost no help with. It then falls to written documentation to explain the concepts and assist in choosing the right one.
The answer was no by the way as this tutorial will deal strictly with an embedded database file, Jean Hollis Weber rightfully pointed out that it should be included in the Base Users Guide and the outline for that will be updated accordingly.

It strikes me that there is no real way to answer these questions. One reason being that there is no openly available statement of purpose for this project. No where have I found a reference to a use case for different users or uses of the package that clearly says: This is who the targeted user of an embedded Base file is, and this is the expected uses they would put it to.

Now I doubt that this is really the case, that there is no idea of what the goals here are, or as to who the target user(s) are for the Base module. But I am left to wonder about it quite honestly.


This question has two parts - placing requirements into the context of the goals of the project, logistics for handling requirements.

I'll start with the second part of that - logistics.

I ran a query against the issue tracker for items marked as requirements. In looking at these issues one thing becomes apparent IMO, assigning an issue to requirements appears to be a dead end event, for all intent and purpose, to the users perspective. There is no one that then takes ownership of the issue, there seems to be no real attempt to solicit input from the person requesting the enhancement or feature for ideas or comments. It just goes off to whoever, at where ever and maybe at some point it will come back to life. I am sure there are exceptions to that statement, and perhaps it is just wrong and would be i would be happy if that is the case.

It may also be that this is the wrong place to raise this and if so I will do so at QA or UX or where ever is best.

Now for context.

Let me give a simple example.

When Base first shipped there was a default action for date controls, such that the control automatically set the value to the current date. A number of people raised this as an issue. So it was fixed. The fix was to make it so that there was no default value. I was inactive at the time this happened, but in researching this I don't see any where a question to anyone about what the best solution was, it was just changed.

Fine right - I say no it was not fine. Here is why. The ability to override the default behavior was easily done using a couple of lines of Basic. Indeed the needed lines where available at the code snippet repository at the OpenOffice.org and almost immediately at the code snippet repository at OooForum. The problem really was that for class of user any use of a macro was a hindrance. So now with the fix, if you actually want the control to default to the current date, something that is not all that rare, again you need to apply a couple of lines of basic and assign this to an event on the control. In other words the same hindrance to to the same class of user still exists, just not as readily apparent.

I am wondering then how when a request for a change like this comes into the core group is the decision made for the proper course of action. Is there some mechanism that says - ok, this is a requirement for a specific use case of the package, and therefore for this class of user the solution must not require use of a macro attached to an event ( since that is actually IMO the route problem here). Looked at from this perspective then the fix is no fix at all. The fix would require a new option to the control and that of course means a change to the UI and that has expanding implications. Change to help files, etc etc. Which all means more work by more people and more sign offs vs a couple of minutes in a developers editor and a check in.

This then brings the goals and the requirements coming in from the users together. Only by having a well defined set of user classes and use cases for those users can you actually decide what appropriate solutions are to users requests for fixes, enhancements or features, and what emphasis to give these requests in relation to targets and goals.

Another place this came up recently, IMO, was the request that came in about some students offering to work on one of the todo list items. In offering suggestions about the best one for them to work on can anyone say what particular goal, use case for the package, is met by which of these todo items and therefore which yields the most return to projects going forward to meet those goals. ( That is a question regarding decision making not the suggestions that where actually made to them, so please don't take that the wrong way. )

Well, again this email is not intended to spawn specific responses to any examples used but rather to stimulate some thought and perhaps discussion on how the goals for Base and requirements needed to meet those goals might be made more open to the user community at large.

Thanks for your time and your consideration of these ideas.



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