
Andrew Jensen wrote (16-10-2007 8:13)

Just finished a review of the UX discussion mailing list. Seems like this subject has been discussed recently, as you well knew I think. So, after review it seems that all roads still lead back here for enhancements and features.

Well, the situation is as it is: many wishes, relative little resources. Thus people who are able to get more attention for their issues, have a better change. Or that are able to contribute one way or another. It's OSS anyway.

What could be done better maybe, is better explanation at some places how things do work and don't. Just to help manage expectations. Of course many people won't see that explanation in first instance, but it will help gradually. As an example, UX related, I always say that it is unreasonable to expect the product to be easy to use and intuitively all the times. For driving a car, with only about four user actions (drive, stop, turn, ...) you need at least 20 or so lessons (in our country). And for an office suite, with thousands and thousands of functions, all should be clear and intuitive right away - according to some complaints/contributions. This also is about expectations.
That said: keeping eyes open for possible improvements always is a must.



Cor Nouws
Arnhem - Netherlands
nl.OpenOffice.org - marketing contact

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