Hello people,

this message could have been named "Where is Base? (Part ...)":


does not even mention OOo Base in the possible modules to use as context
for toolbar merging. But to be fair with Carsten Driesner (who is doing
a great job at the Framework project), this Wiki page was a little old.

So I added a link to the page I created yesterday:


Most modules do not need any explanation, because their names are pretty
obvious, but OOo Base modules may need some comments; so please feel
free to check if what I wrote is right, and make your corrections.

To check if things works (and what difference we find) I wrote an example:


this example will *merge* menu items in every database related module
(it is possible to *replace* existing items, but I didn't find it good
for a demo extension).
To test if it work, I try to add different items to different modules.
The items are just for testing purposes, that means that:

* they have no functionality at all (other than displaying some tech.
* item names are only for testing purposes: no future features are
proposed or suggested  ;-)
* the place where the items are merged isn't meant to be the right one
(for example, extensions should have their entry on Help menu with other
extensions, but just to test it was possible, I merged the item right
after OOo's .uno:About dialog.

You can check the sources as a NetBeans IDE project at:


Feel free to make comments on that (please realize that I didn't clean
them up, so may be there is some crap ;-) ).

Some points are interesting:

* the XServiceInfo.getSupportedServiceNames() is now quite useless,
because if the doc. is a form or a wiz.-report, it will tell us that is
a css.text.TextDocument. Now we must use instead
XModuleManager.identify( XInterface aReference), this will give us the
module identifier.

* XModuleManager.identify() takes an XFrame/XModel/XController as arg.,
but we must be aware that some db modules have no model; so here is
safer to use the XFrame we get when the ProtocolHandler is initialized

* in the TableDesign and the RelationDesign modules, the first menu
entry I added gets dispatched twice when I choose it (this tested only
on Linux), you can try it: a MsgBox shows up, you click OK and another
MsgBox shows up; is this a bug or a stupid thing I've done?

* something I wonder: can we access form the dispatch framework (i.e. an
extensions that works from the user interaction pressing a toolbar/menu
item) the data in the module? I mean, for example, if a query/view/table
is open by the user, can we get some info. about the query/view/table
name, about it's state, etc? if we work with UI interaction via Dispatch
Framework, we must work from the XFrame; can we access from there info.
about what's happening in the modules TableDesign, RelationDesign,
QueryDesign, DatasourceBrowser? With the DatabaseDocument and the other
modules it's easy to get a refence to the DataSource, the table the form
is based on, etc., but with these other modules?

I will add some more things to the demo, and may be it will be a good
idea to write something in the wiki in order to attract database related
extensions developers, what do you think?
Any idea is welcome.

Bye and have fun with the demo,

Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina



"Aus der Kriegsschule des Lebens
                - Was mich nicht umbringt,
        macht mich härter."
                Nietzsche Götzendämmerung, Sprüche und Pfeile, 8.

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