Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany escribió:
Hi Ariel,

good stuff. I'm looking forward to the flesh under some of the menu items :)

... I will have to feed them, 'cause they are all bones ;-)

Regarding the double call in the table editor and relation dialog. Didn't happen to me under XP.

Happens on my home's WinXP, SO8U8, too. (not able to try other versions ATM)

a mystery to me... I think I'm doing right ... but may be merging an item on the top most (== first) position of a menu does not work.

First I thought it was due to the MsgBox class (it is from June == quite old for me, because I've learn a lot from this times: I wanted a OOoBasic-msgbox-like, so I used methods not passing an XWindowPeer but getting it in the constructor from XDesktop.getCurrentFrame().getContainerWindow(), BUT I've learned that:
"This should *only* be used for *debugging* purposes. The method getCurrentFrame is based on the implementation of the window handler of the operating system and you cannot be sure that the returned frame is always the desired one on all supported platforms, or that a valid frame is returned at all."

I've changed the MsgBox class to pass always an XWindow reference, but didn't solve the problem; looks like a Framework issue :-(

Anyway - I am hoping that you are kidding about your menu choices not being an indication as to what you are planning on working on first...

A)  as in an export / import addon
as soon as Frank give us the gift of the UNO service for the copy Table dialog, I will write a demo extension testing it ;-)

Hey, this got recorded :)

I've read
It looks really good.
Let me know when it gets included in a build/developer snapshot.


Concerning the "Where is Base? ( Part ...)" if you see

the options dialog for extensions was more careful and included (Base) (Base) (Base) (Base)

but didn't include the other I listed on

I will give it a try on the weekend and see if all modules work.
(a sample about what this feature is about can be found at:

-- completely useless example, I did it just to start testing/studying)

As you see studying never ends: for OOo 2.4 we'll have to learn how to write help files -- which by the way -- Andrew, are you there? -- give me the idea to ship OOoBase related extra help files as extension:

An example: Spanish-speaking user often ask about SQL topics - most often related to HSQLDB embedded, so the work of Andrew in the Wiki with the functions and stored proceds. can be included as an OOoBaseExtraDocExtension.oxt or what ever name

I find it better to be INSIDE OOo than outside on the web; and for update problems, there is no problem :-) extensions can be updated, versioned, etc.


Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina


"Aus der Kriegsschule des Lebens
                - Was mich nicht umbringt,
        macht mich härter."
                Nietzsche Götzendämmerung, Sprüche und Pfeile, 8.

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