Hi Andrew,

Andrew Jensen escribió:
Do have an interesting ( well maybe ) puzzle for you.

Grabbed your example project and used NetBeans 5.5.1 under XP to build the oxt, jar files. The project built without a problem and the extension worked in all three versions of ( 2.3, m236, SO8 u8 ) under XP without a problem. Then I added the extension to the Kubuntu 7.1 AMD64 Distro version of OO.o 2.3 ( 64 bit, with 64 bit SUN JRE ) again it worked without a problem. Like I said this is great.

Here is the puzzle - and it isn't your code because I haven't been able to get any addon to work properly doing this. I rebuilt the .jar and .oxt files using NetBeans 5.5.1 under Kubuntu 7.1 and guess what. It loads into the 2.3 64 bit OO.o but the merged menus do NOT appear - and here is the odd part. Go back to XP and use the same extension ( built under Kubuntu ) that did not work under kubuntu - add it to all the OO.o versions under XP ( 32 bit ) and it works just like the one I first built under XP...Like I said, it is a puzzsle ( at least to me )

ups... I think I didn't understand you in my first answer.

If I understood:

example compiled on Netbeans+WinXP
==> works on WinXP / works on OOo-Kubuntu-build

example compiled on Netbeans+Kubuntu
==> works on WinXP / DOES NOT work on OOo-Kubuntu-build

so this is NOT
* a problem with OOo-Kubuntu-build
* a problem with Netbeans in Kubuntu (as long as I know there are no
distro-builds of NetBeans, so you are using the "original",; and even
more: the extension build on Kubuntu works OK in WinXP)

so, sorry :-( , but it's also a puzzle for me.


Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina



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                - Was mich nicht umbringt,
        macht mich härter."
                Nietzsche Götzendämmerung, Sprüche und Pfeile, 8.

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