Hi Frank,

Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany escribió:
Hi Ariel,

* ActiveConnection for the source and destination: do I have to provide an active connection in both cases, or just give other needed parameters and the wiz. will try to connect (and I just add an XCopyTableListener before calling XExecutableDialog::execute())?

You can specify either of DataSourceName, DatabaseLocation,
ActiveConnection, ConnectionResource - they're evaluated in this order,
the first which is present and not empty will be used to create a

* are both source and destination datasources "encapsulated" in an ODB file? that is: there MUST an ODB file storing all the needed information to stablish a connection? Example: can I simply pass a ConnectionResource like

For the source, this is supported, for the destination, it isn't.

* to execute the wiz., must it be called form an db doc./OOoBase module?

The wizard can be called from anywhere you want.

I suggest you have a look into the apidocs.zip, there's an extensive
documentation there (I hope).

Also, note I'm currently building the install sets with Andrew's bug
(well: *my* bug :) fixed, I hope I can upload it until tomorrow.

I will also provide a rather small extension which contains some Basic
code I used to test the service. If I would have done this earlier, all
you questions would have been answered right from those few lines of
Basic code :)

first: of course I read the API! it's just that these questions are not answered there (at least for my understanding :-( ; for example in the description for the param. Destination of the constructor, it is not clear that there MUST be an ODB).

second: thanks to NetBeans IDE code completion, I find out that you forgot the *second constructor* in the reference: CopyTableWizard.createWithInteractionHandler()

third: although you don't like my exclamations with the "1" key ;-) CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!! I've done 5 test (HSQLDB embedded, 2000 records in seconds, client application, no GUI, I didn't even open an ODB! ... [no, here also exclamations because I find this great - again: I didn't even open an ODB!!!!!!!!!!]), and worked OK!

Of course, I didn't do dummy things on the tests; I'll try to see what happens when doing them, and how the listener works with them.

Finally, I didn't success with the attr. XCopyTableWizard::NewPrimaryKey, but sure it's my fault because I think it's the first time I work with a ::com::sun::star::beans::Optional< string >. I passed an CopyTableOperation.CopyDefinitionAndData, so that the attr. won't be ignored, and in the Java bridge for this I wrote: xCopyTableWizard.setCreatePrimaryKey(new Optional<String>(true, "ID_CUSTOMER"));
What am I missing?

On the weekend I'll test with MySQL and PostgreSQL, dbase, etc. and I let you know.


Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina



"Aus der Kriegsschule des Lebens
                - Was mich nicht umbringt,
        macht mich härter."
                Nietzsche Götzendämmerung, Sprüche und Pfeile, 8.

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