Hi Frank,

Frank Schönheit - Sun Microsystems Germany escribió:
Only one little enhancement: after the call to createWithInteractionHandler() the interaction dialog is executed, as I forgot to add to the classpath of this dev. version the MySQL JDBC driver, I got an exception, but it was just a "com.sun.star.lang.WrappedTargetException: An error occured during initialization. [...] at com.sun.star.sdb.application.CopyTableWizard.createWithInteractionHandler(Unknown Source)".

Not sure where this "Unknown Source" comes from, that's no text I wrote
in any of my exception messages.
Does the "TargetException" message of the WrappedTargetException tell
you more? It should contain the error which was actually caught
internally, and wrapped.

At the end of the mail I copy and paste the stack trace.
I catch this exception right after invoking the constructor.

Watching the variable assigned to it:

the TargetException is of type css.sdbc.SQLException

.SQLState, type String, = ""
.ErrorCode, type int, = 1000
.NextException, type Any, = #362

So there is no much information. Looks like Java bridge specific...

Another thing: XCopyTableListener::copyingRow() and XCopyTableListener::copiedRow() have the same description: "is called when a row is about to be copied."

As XCopyTableListener::copyingRow() says:
"is called when a row is *about* *to* be copied.
This method is called immediately *before* a row is copied. It might be used, for instance, to update a progress indicator."

Shouldn't it say:
"is called when [right *after*] a row has been copied.
This method is called *after* a row has been *successfully* copied. It might be used, for instance, to update a progress indicator."?

Another small autodoc error: the description of the service CopyTableWizard in com/sun/star/sdb/application/module-ix.html includes the heading "Interactions"[<a name="interaction"></a><h3>Interactions</h3> also com/sun/star/sdb/application/CopyTableWizard.html]


Stack trace:

com.sun.star.lang.WrappedTargetException: An error occured during initialization. at com.sun.star.lib.uno.environments.remote.Job.remoteUnoRequestRaisedException(Job.java:187) at com.sun.star.lib.uno.environments.remote.Job.execute(Job.java:153) at com.sun.star.lib.uno.environments.remote.JobQueue.enter(JobQueue.java:349) at com.sun.star.lib.uno.environments.remote.JobQueue.enter(JobQueue.java:318) at com.sun.star.lib.uno.environments.remote.JavaThreadPool.enter(JavaThreadPool.java:106) at com.sun.star.lib.uno.bridges.java_remote.java_remote_bridge.sendRequest(java_remote_bridge.java:657) at com.sun.star.lib.uno.bridges.java_remote.ProxyFactory$Handler.request(ProxyFactory.java:159) at com.sun.star.lib.uno.bridges.java_remote.ProxyFactory$Handler.invoke(ProxyFactory.java:141)
        at $Proxy2.createInstanceWithArgumentsAndContext(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.star.sdb.application.CopyTableWizard.createWithInteractionHandler(Unknown Source) at ar.com.arielconstenlahaile.ooo.test.dbaccess.CopyTableWiz.createCopyTableWizardWithHandler(CopyTableWiz.java:105) at ar.com.arielconstenlahaile.ooo.test.dbaccess.CopyTableWiz.<init>(CopyTableWiz.java:46) at ar.com.arielconstenlahaile.ooo.test.dbaccess.CopyTableWiz.getCopyTableWizard(CopyTableWiz.java:74) at ar.com.arielconstenlahaile.ooo.test.dbaccess.Tester.main(Tester.java:35)

Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina



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