Marc Santhoff escribió:
Am Mittwoch, den 05.12.2007, 09:38 -0300 schrieb Ariel Constenla-Haile:

As it is form 10.30.2006, it's a little out-dated: concerning some things the author says

"The best mail merge tool isn't on any of the have to hunt it down and add it. You can easily get data into Base...but you won't find it by looking for a File > Import command. And if you want to get data out of Base....well, it's possible, but certainly not under anything as logical as File > Export."

now we have menu/toolbar merging, and the API for the CopyTableWizard...


do you have a sample project or did you make a wkiki page about your
experiences with menus and toolbars?

Hi Marc,

you can read

I have improved this version: now the Addon.xcu has more than 1000
lines, and it has almost everything:


Unfortunately I do not have much time these days (the little I have, I
use it for testing the CTWiz), so I couldn't:
* write extendes coments on the Addons.xcu
* test the TOOLbar merging as I did it with the MENUbar merging.

But I think I found two issues:

* at least for it DOES NOT WORK,
I tried with other (Writer and Draw and "works")

* Setting an IMAGE does NOT seem to work. Not seting the prop.
"ImageIdentifier"; nor in the "Images" set, that binds a command URL to
user defined images.

I could ONLY test on OfficeDatabaseDocument, don't know the other OOo
Base related modules. But the IMAGE issue happens in Draw and Writer too.
If you have time to test it on your own, I will thank you a lot! (it
will be easy, just play with my NetBeans project)

You'll find them at the same place:
the sources as a NetBeans IDE project at:

did you make a wkiki page about your
experiences with menus and toolbars?

I could only write the "Under construction" in

but wanted to start writing down some hints and ideas.

If we want OOo Extensions site to be as big and good as Mozilla's Firefox and Thunderbird, or KDE-look, etc., developers must start giving more chances for extensions to interact with the user, and we [people with some "knowledge" or "background"] must start writing Wiki's how-to's giving some hints, and publishing useful code.

Two examples for developer's "must": if an extension needs (and most extensions do) to interact with the user via the GUI (== from the Frame, the Dispatch Framework, etc) an XSelectionSupplier and an XContextMenuInterception are important things: you can get notified of the user's selection, you can add functions when the user right-clics a database object, etc. ... The developers started their work and looks promising ... so it's our turn to begin ...

What concerns myself, I'm too busy right now: in Argentina this Semester ends the 15.December. But from the 16.Dec to 1.March I'm on holidays (from the Uni work, not from work at all; but I promise myself to do some Wiki/coding work)


Ariel Constenla-Haile
La Plata, Argentina


"Aus der Kriegsschule des Lebens
                - Was mich nicht umbringt,
        macht mich härter."
                Nietzsche Götzendämmerung, Sprüche und Pfeile, 8.

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