Hi Michael,

> A flag saved at the data source / database document and supplying it's
> default from within the driver is absolutely sufficient for our needs.
> :-)

small misunderstanding - supplying the default from within the driver is
exactly the item which we don't have an infrastructure for. We can
easily add a setting to database documents, default it so that the
current behavior is unchanged - but then everybody creating an .odb for
your database type, using your driver, needs to (once) change this setting.

> Do you intend to change the driver infrastructure of
> OOo at the near future nevertheless?

No, that's more a plan, which commemorates itself from time to time,
exactly when we notice that the current architecture is too inflexible
in some respects.

> I have compiled our driver according to the software requirements on
> http://tools.openoffice.org/dev_docs/build_linux.html#BuildInstructions
> on a RHEL4 and tried to install it in OOo 2.4 and 2.4.1 on different
> Linux distributions. If I install OOo from the install packages on
> www.openoffice.org everything works fine, but if I install it from the
> software repositories of the distributions OOo freezes when I try to
> connect to a database. Is this expected? Do I need to compile the driver
> in a special way to support the OOo builds in the software repositories
> of the distributions? Are they doing such big changes to their builds so
> that the driver won't work with them? I didn't realize that before.
> Would be nice to have only one driver for the x86 Linux platform
> independent of the distribution, if possible.

Nice, but quite impossible. The Linux distributions can do all kind of
change to their build environment which will make your driver fail. The
most simple change: They usually use a much more up-to-date compiler
than the vanilla OOo builds use, simply because they do not need to care
for baseline requirements (Vanilla has a much wider range of target
systems, where the distribution's build of OOo just needs to run on this

One more reason for including the driver in the core code - in this
case, everybody building an OOo with own build environment will
automatically also build your driver properly.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer         [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems                      http://www.sun.com/staroffice -
- OpenOffice.org Base                       http://dba.openoffice.org -
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