Frank Schönheit wrote:
Hi Max,

this snapshot now support these as well:

- syntax highlighting and bracket matching in Tools-SQL as well
(sometimes I really love programming ;-))
- configurable colors in tools-options-appearance
- parameters are highlighted as well

Cool stuff. Great idea to also use the same control in the Tools/SQL-dialog!

Hello Max,

To be honest I haven't had a lot of time to look at your work in the last little while. I did early on and I am really looking forward to doing so again and to seeing it in the baseline package.

The reason for this email is simple - it's easy sometimes to get caught up in what isn't working, or what isn't 'in the package', as evidenced by some of the other discussions going on.

It is also all too easy at times to look at the project as belonging to one or two particular companies. To keep saying...why don't they push a few more engineers towards this project or that feature and ask - What the @#$% are they thinking? :>) This isn't confined to any one modules project either - only to look at the 'Where are all the patches?" blog entries of late.

This email is not about any of those questions in particular - rather it is simply to be sure that we don't forget to also notice what is going right.

This idea of a community built package is never going to happen because of some edict from above - it will happen one contributing developer at a time - it will 'emerge' of it's own power or not in other words.

So - just speaking for myself...thank you for the time and effort you are putting in to it.

That's it.



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