Hi Maximilian,

>  > In general, it's looking better and better. Do you have a list of open
>  > issues, or something like that, which shows how far you're from
>  > finishing it?
> based on feedback on [EMAIL PROTECTED], I now added support for SQL comments 
> (--) as well and I consider the whole cws pretty much finished now.

where "pretty much finished" means
[ ] I think it's finished, and I just don't dare to say.
[ ] There are still some minor open issues, which I'm not sure I should
    fix in this CWS.
[ ] other:


> One thing I am not sure about is flickering, as always the whole text is 
> syntax highlighted, but up to now, noone complained ;-)

I darkly remember having seen the Basic IDE code years ago, do I
remember correctly that highlighting is done on a per-line basis, so the
problem here is that we always generate one-line SQL statements? In this
case, it might be an additional ... motivation to make the Query
Designer preserve line ends as entered by the user ...

Anyway, I didn't notice the flickering as disturbing, too, so ...

I'll try to (remember to) talk to our QA lead tomorrow, to see what they
think about getting and finishing this CWS before 3.1 then.


- Frank Schönheit, Software Engineer         [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
- Sun Microsystems                      http://www.sun.com/staroffice -
- OpenOffice.org Base                       http://dba.openoffice.org -
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