On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 2:08 PM, Andrew Jensen

> Data!
> Here is what I was thinking.
> Option 1 - Just push the data into the odb file(s) and be done with it.
> Pros - Doesn't get any easier then downloading one file.
> Cons - The download is big.
> Option 2 - refer users to the existing sakila data file at sourceforge and
> add a macro in the odb file that reads the file (which is a bunch of insert
> statements), perform any string replacements needed per line and execute
> each against the curent connection.
> The user would only need to download the Sakila data zip file, decompress
> it to their local drives and run the macro - One dialog to get the location
> of the file and that should be it.
> Pros - The odb files are nice and small
> Cons - Exrra download, Slow (then again that is a whole other question with
> the embedded files)
> Option 3 - ??
> Anyhow - I was going to leave data for last, but perhaps it makes most
> sense to it next and then the views and such afterwards.
> Any thoughts - data next?

Who - hooo...

Option 1 - currently I have everything but payments & rentals in the
embedded file.
I added the data to tables with no extra indexes, fk's or triggers then
added these...it jumps to 776K during the creation of the indexes.
After a SHUTDOWN COMPACT the file comes in at ~285 K.



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