Am 08.02.10 13:35, schrieb Fernand Vanrie:

> We uses also "Stored Procedures" on a Msql server  To make all things
> work , we handles all user input (parameters calculatutions,
> translations etc...) with OO-dialogs and some macro's to create the SQL
> statements writen to please the ODBC driver and the Msql server :-)

While I am aware of this possibility, it does not fix the problems in
OpenOffice Base.  There has to be a better solution.

>> Good day
>> We develop point of sales (POS) applications using PostgreSQL as the
>> database backend.  We thought it could be interesting for our customers
>> to access the database directly from OpenOffice Base to create their own
>> reports etc.  But it turns out that OpenOffice Base and PostgreSQL are
>> not playing together nicely:
>> Our database consists of tables (of course..), views, and a substantial
>> number of stored procedures, especially for the more complex reports and
>> such.
>> E.g, to get the balance of all accounts, you would send the following
>> SQL code to the database:
>> SELECT * FROM acf_balance_all()
>> To get the balance from only on account, you would use
>> SELECT * FROM acf_balance('1000')
>> ('1000' is the account number).
>> When I enter the SQL code in the query editor in non-native SQL mode, it
>> outputs a syntax error, i.e. it seems to be unable to handle the
>> PostgreSQL stored procedure calls.  I can, however, set the query editor
>> to native SQL mode, then the SQL code is passed as is to the database
>> backend and no error is output.  But with native SQL mode, I loose the
>> possibility to have OpenOffice ask the user for parameters.  I can only
>> use calls without parameters.  But most stored procedurs actually
>> require paramates.
>> There is a second (and maybe unrelated) problem:  OpenOffice Base seems
>> for each query to send a generated query to the database server to check
>> if that table in the query exists.  It does something like
>> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM <tablename> WHERE 0 = 1
>> This will of course never return any data, but it will raise an error if
>> <tablename> does not exist, so I assume this is done to check for the
>> presence of a table.  But again, this does not work when a query instead
>> of table specifies a stored procedure in a SELECT.
>> I am using OpenOffice Base on Mac OS X Snow Leopard using the
>> jdbc.postgresql JDBC driver and PostgreSQL 8.4.2 as the database
>> backend.  I did not try any native client, since this is a bug that I
>> want to report (and, if possible, see fixed) regardless if a native
>> driver would work.
>> If there are any details I can further provide, or any test I can run,
>> please me know.
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