
>> I can, however, set the query editor
>> to native SQL mode, then the SQL code is passed as is to the database
>> backend and no error is output.  But with native SQL mode, I loose the
>> possibility to have OpenOffice ask the user for parameters.  I can only
>> use calls without parameters.  But most stored procedurs actually
>> require paramates.
> Indeed, native queries do not allow for parameters. This is caused by
> the fact that for recognizing the parameters, Base would need to parse
> the statement, which contradicts the "do-not-parse" restricting imposed
> by the "native" flag.

Maybe a third mode could help here:  Semi-Native SQL, where base would
only scan for parameter definitions using the :<name> scheme.

> Some of the underlying APIs (JDBC, for instance) support retrieving
> parameter information from the database/driver, but that's not used in
> Base currently. Issue 66559 would probably fix this, at least for all
> JDBC based connections (the issue talks about HSQL only, but that
> wouldn't matter much).
> Another option - which I am not sure an issue exists for - would be to
> let the creator of the native query define which parameters to ask the
> user for - would be the responsibility of the creator then to ensure
> consistency.
>> There is a second (and maybe unrelated) problem:  OpenOffice Base seems
>> for each query to send a generated query to the database server to check
>> if that table in the query exists.  It does something like
>> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM <tablename> WHERE 0 = 1
>> This will of course never return any data, but it will raise an error if
>> <tablename> does not exist, so I assume this is done to check for the
>> presence of a table.  But again, this does not work when a query instead
>> of table specifies a stored procedure in a SELECT.
> For historic reasons, the "WHERE 0 = 1" thing is done for retrieving
> column information, with a fallback to ask the meta data of the prepared
> statement. I suppose the latter didn't work properly formerly, for a
> certain set of database/drivers, so "WHERE 0 = 1" had been invented
> (well, that's not really an invention of Base), since the meta data of a
> result set (which is forced to be empty) were more reliable than the
> meta data of the prepared statement.

What a hack ;)

> If you're saying this happens even for native queries, then please
> submit an issue for it - it should be done for non-native queries only, IMO.

No, it only happens for parsed queries.

- Marc

> Ciao
> Frank

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