Frank , Marc

If we talking about "General users" it could been a good start to make StoredProcedures visible in the GUI before we adding bells like parameters etc.... Other users (who have acces to there own Databases) do not need other than Native Mode because they written already the Stored Procedures in the very same Native SQL


Hi Marc,

Maybe a third mode could help here:  Semi-Native SQL, where base would
only scan for parameter definitions using the :<name> scheme.

Hmm, don't like this idea too much. Basically, it would be completely
intransparent to the user. This is not per se a bad thing :), but if
things are prone to failure (and parsing queries which the user said
"don't even attempt to do" *are*), then we should not do them silently,
and without a chance for the user to intervene.

What a hack ;)

Well, yes, kind of :). On the other hand, it worked well for a decade or
so, and as said, I assume the original authors had reasons for doing it.
Still, I'd say we should think about removing it.


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