thanks for the feedback! Please see inline:

On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 5:35 AM, Alex Karasulu <> wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 4:24 PM, Selcuk AYA <> wrote:
> Excuse the late response. Better late than never right ...
> SNIP ...
>> *Master table, index and index cursor wrappers: These provide
>> transactionally consistent views of entries and index data. They merge
>> what they read from their wrapped objects with the txn log manager. To
>> make this easier, txn manager keeps track of index changes for a
>> read/write txn in a summary form. One thing to note is that not all
>> information that wrappers expose is transactionall consistent. One
>> example is count methods. No need to %100 accurate on this. For these
>> cases, the wrapper just calls the wrapped object.
> Makes perfect sense to not bother with the count methods: slight variations
> will not at all impact the optimizer's results.
>> *For all the above, interfaces are defined in core-api and
>> implementations and internal interfaces are in core. Also moved,
>> index, indexcursor, table and related interfaces and helper classes to
>> core-api from xdbm-partition.
> I guess the xdbm-partition Maven module is now going to be pretty damn thin
> or non-existent. Was this module destroyed and if not what actually remains?

I think some util classes for tree based implementations remain there.
Also there some avl related classes.

>> The todo is the following:
>> *add changes to keep track of dn space changes.
>> *test txn manager services
>> *move the modification code path in AbstractBTreePartition in xdbm to
>> high up to core. Probably modifications should be done in
>> partitionNexus and partition nexus should handle preparing txn log
>> edits and wal them. The overall flow for modifications will be:
>>   -DefaultDirectoryService:
>>          -begintxn
>>                            -execute interceptor chain
>>          - handle txn abort, or conflict.
> Moving this into the PartitionNexus might not be a good idea but no problem
> for now we can move it later. Let me explain why:
> Eventually we're going to enable a root Partition with Partition nesting and
> so when this happens the PartitionNexus will just be another nestable
> Partition since these will have to handle routing based on DN to other
> partitions residing/nested under it.
> I see two possible locations for this functionality:
> (1) Let the InterceptorChain itself handle this since it can demarcate the
> start and end of calls into the chain with Txn begin and abort/commit calls.
> It does this by making calls against the TxnManager which I guess is the
> entire facade for the transaction subsystem.
> ---OR---
> (2) Handle Txn demarcation within the CoreSession. However this might not be
> optimal due to the need to handle additional logic which might be required
> for handling chain re-entry concerns.
> NOTE: I've not actually looked at the code after these major moves so my
> advice might not be very dependable. I will try to setup my environment to
> get a better idea of these matters.
> However for the time being do whatever actually makes this thing work. Let's
> follow an agile methodology. This thing is big. So let's get it working with
> solid test coverage then we can actually look at shuffling things around to
> optimal positions. Not saying what you've chosen is wrong ... it might just
> present the need for some additional refactoring when other features might
> need to be introduced.
> These are some of the biggest changes to the architecture to have taken
> place in years and you're doing a great job.

You are right for txn demarcation. I wrote it wrong in the email.
Demarcation has to be done either at defaultcoresession or

as for where to handle the change logic, as you mentioned we need a
place where all interceptor chain routes end up for modification and
ideally we should handle modification logic above partitions using
master table and index interfaces so that we have a common place to
prepare and apply txn log edits. PartitionNexus seems to fit this
requirement for now. If we add another layer above PartitionNexus
which can get master and index table from below layers and work with
them, we should be able to move the change logic up there.

>> *move xdbm-search to core as well. Making search transactional will
>> mostly be mostly mechanica after this point I think(hope). It should
>> just use the wrappers the txn manager provides for index, master and
>> cursors it gets from the partitions.
>> *handle caches various interceptors keep. I am thinking of handling
>> this with a common read-write lock.
> This was the latest issue for which I see some more threads. Will look at
> that as well.
This is the issue I talked you about briefly. These are mostly admin
caches that change infrequently and that are read mostly. The
difficulty with them is that they are not always entry caches. They
might map Dns to some logical property of the entry. A simple and good
example is notaliascache (whether we really need this is open to
debate but we have it now). This maps a Dn to whether the entry is an
alias. If we followed the normal way of merging what is read from
partitions with the txn log, we would have to a way of merging what is
read from this notaliascache with the log. This is not very difficult
but as we have quite a number of these caches, having a separate merge
and update logic for each of them is a pain and error prone.

Instead, what I thought was to use a single system wide read-write
lock for these caches. Since they are read mostly, a txn might update
its lock to exclusive when it needs to change one of these caches and
might release it when it actually commits/aborts.

> Again sorry about late responses.
> Regards,
> Alex
>> regards
>> Selcuk
>> On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 4:05 PM, Selcuk AYA <> wrote:
>> > Hi all,
>> >
>> > Emmanuel wants to update the txns branch and I think it is a good time
>> > to give a good status update. Following is what I have been doing and
>> > the plan:
>> >
>> > *Log Manager: A general log manager that can be used by txns as well.
>> > Note that these logs are on disk. This is tested.
>> >
>> > *Txn Manager:Most of the services that should be provided by the txn
>> > manager is coded:
>> > begin, commit, abort, keeping
>> >
> --
> Best Regards,
> -- Alex

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