On 11/2/11 9:12 AM, Selcuk AYA wrote:
a few points and questions:
*I am planning to use a common ID for all partitions. I checked Hbase
partition and it uses UUID as the ID. Is it ok to use this for all

Yes. This should have been done a long time ago.

*It seems that I need to move txn and log package implementations to
core-shared because of the recent reorg. Coresession and nexus
implementation is moved there and interceptors might need these
Yep. We haven't yet merged core-shared with core, but atm, core-shared is the place to put new classes.

* When preparing txn log edits, I will need to log Modification and
Attribute objects and keep them in memory for a while. Is it necessary
to clone these objects while doing the logging at partition nexus
level? In other words, will they be modified after reaching nexus
level. I am thinking no but I wanted to check because I looked at
changelog implementation and it does cloning.
Once at the nexus level, the elements won't be modified.
The ChangeLog stores (currently) data in memory, and those data are kept for a while, so cross transactions. This is the reason why we clone the entry and Attributes.

Emmanuel Lécharny

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