On Sat, 2006-09-30 at 19:43 +0200, Sophie Gautier wrote:
> Hi all,
> G. Roderick Singleton wrote:
> [...]
> > 
> >> Also, don't forget that translating some doc into another language implies 
> >> providing  screenshots in the same language. This means that the 
> >> translation 
> >> effort is quite similar to writing a doc from scratch. Having done that 
> >> once 
> >> for the OOo project ("Calc to base" how-to), I can tell you it's a lot of 
> >> work 
> >> that many would find redundant hence non-motivating.
> > 
> > Again I agree. However, I think that even an announcement of new works
> > would be a good thing. For example, Sophie's announcement or the ref
> > cards as a work in progress has raised some interest for something
> > similar in English. We, at the doc project, also have works in progress.
> > The important one, a complete rewrite of the VBA to OOo cross-reference,
> > is not yet ready for its first editorial review, let alone letting
> > others look. :-(  But here you have something that might be of interest
> > since it will be somewhat technical and likely an easy target for
> > translation or rewrite.
> A long time ago (may be 3 OOoCon ago ;-) I ask that we put in place a 
> kind of table where all the NLC projects could update informations about 
> the work in progress or finalized, no more than :
> name of the job/5 to 10 words description/link to find it.
> Just to keep the trace of the work done and ask for more information if 
> needed. But nobody seems to stick to this idea, and after several try, I 
> let it go away.
> And sorry also about the neglect of the announcements on the NLC list, 
> but without feedback, it's difficult to know if somebody is interested 
> or not (well it remind me the monthly news we have to give about our 
> projects too...)

Yes, I missed it. I think I was the only one though. Did appreciate the
once a month message and when I think of it, your messages gatewayed to

> > 
> > As to Calc to Base, this will be covered in Chapter 7 of the User Guide
> > along with all the other stuff one hopefully needs. Unfortunately, the
> > Guide lives in a issue and started as a sole project so it is awkward to
> > manage. 
> This is why I've preferred the how-to/coockbook form than a complete 
> guide which is very difficult to manage in term life expectancy, 
> resources, organization, tooling... (but it's my opinion :-) And by the 
> way, I see the same issue concerning the online help, the dev guide, etc.

Well we have been trying to get stuff out of the guide as small guides.
For example, the Troubleshooting guide started out as a User Guide
chapter and has since taken on a life of its own.  

> > 
> >>> I see what you mean. I know that I am stretching it now but should
> >>> we have documentation guidelines available for other projects that would
> >>> help us to leverage existing docs created in other projects?
> >> Yes, I second that.
> > 
> > Me too. I had hoped when we started the Setup Guide project for 2.0 that
> > it would be included in the distribution like the 1.1.x guide.
> > However ...
> This could be done, but we need to stick with the development process 
> here and rise our voice at the good time before the freeze. This is just 
> how it is done for the .gsi files on IZ and we could follow the same 
> process.

Do not know that process. I bow to your experience and ask that you
point to whatever instructions exist. Please.
G. Roderick Singleton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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