
Sophie Gautier schrieb:
...[including setup guides in installer]
This could be done, but we need to stick with the development process here and rise our voice at the good time before the freeze. This is just how it is done for the .gsi files on IZ and we could follow the same process.

Do not know that process. I bow to your experience and ask that you
point to whatever instructions exist. Please.
I think that this should be coordinated with Martin (for Sun builds) and Pavel (fot other languages) but the proposal could be:

- you collect all the final guide on a issue (ask on this list and on the NLC one) for a given date following the release plan, say the deadline would be the 20th for this example - you point the issue to Martin and Pavel before the 26th asking them to include the guide in the corresponding l10n release (if they have agreed on including it, of course ;-) We should have same naming scheme for all the guides though.

What do you think about it ?
Well, the key point here might be to convince Pavel. See comments at issue 59391


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