Quoting David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Like I say I'm just toying with the idea so far. Scribus seems to be the
better option than using OOo as it is a desktop publishing piece of
software but I'm open to the idea doing both scribus and OOo format.
Have you any ideas for content. Tutorials is section is a must
interviews would be good or user experience section also what about ides
for styling and look & feel of the mag. Some feedback on these areas
would be good just to gauge what others want of such a magazine.

Interesting idea.

I guess my first question would be, what kind of release cycle are you looking at?

If you are thinking once a week, then gathering items about what has been happening in dev, and in the various projects, kind of like a "Week in Review" type thing would be good.

If you are talking about once a month, then it would probably be better to have Summaries of OOo in the news and mabye a nutshell type version of what has happened behind the scenes in the project.

Of course, no matter the release cycle, these items would still play a roll in the content.

On Thu, 2007-09-06 at 09:37 +0200, Frank Peters wrote:
David wrote:
> I'm toying with the idea of creating a magazine in scribus for
> openoffice. Similar to http://www.fullcirclemagazine.org/
> fullcircle magazine for Ubuntu.
> It won't be as good as the above mag as I'm only now learning scribus
> but, with time it will get better.

> Do you have any thoughts or ideas on this that might help.

Nice idea, David.

Why won't you use OOo for that? You could publish articles
describing your experience making the magazine.

Why not host such a format on doc.oo.o? We could
also make articles available standalone in the wiki
or on the web, for example.


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