Just kicking around ideas at the moment but like you say, I'd need stuff
on a regular basis to have any sort of schedule. I think for now just
take news items and tutorials as they come from the OOo site just to
start off then if it gets going we'll try for some sort of schedule
release like 1 a month. I think it's about having sections of the mag
that can be filled easily because there is quite a bit of material
available. I wouldn't mind collaborating with others on this as I think
it's more than a one man job to have a regular release schedule.

On Fri, 2007-09-07 at 14:08 +0200, Frank Peters wrote:
> David,
> > Like your reply seems to suggest it will all depend on content but, news
> > section about what is going on with some in-depth coverage to high-lite
> > projects or a particular project in turn would be good.
> don't underestimate the effort for such undertaking. If you plan to
> have a regular release schedule you need to come up with fresh stuff
> regularly. This will be a lot of work if you plan to do it yourself.
> On the other hand, the OOo doc project would very much benefit
> from tutorials, articles, and howtos of any kind. So if you have
> made some progress in your planning, we should see how doc.oo.o
> can tie into that, as a publication platform and/or by reusing
> magazine content and integrate it to the docs portfolio.
> I'd be happy to assist you in that reagard.
> -f

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