David wrote:
Have you any ideas for content. Tutorials is section is a must
interviews would be good or user experience section

* Book reviews (Solveig's book, the OOoAuthors books, many
others) with info on where/how to get them
* Reviews (and/or how-to's) of extensions and compatible products
like Bibus and Dmaths
* Reviews of websites & blogs about OOo
* Case studies of cool things people have done using OOo, or
problems solved
* Case studies of deployments, eg replacing MSOffice in a local
school or a small business
* Marketing/promotional news: things people have done at any
level, especially grass-roots
* Showcase some artwork (web banners, posters, etc) with links to
where people can get them from the OOo website
* Reminders of where to get help, tips, other info: forums,
lists, etc; also unofficial places like Solveig Haugland's blog
or 8daysaweek
* Community news, eg some photos and an article about the OOoCon
later this month. Advance notice of events (if possible given
publishing schedule)
* Info on how to join the community and contribute
* Timeline for new OOo releases, with hints about what will be in
them and pointer to where to get more info
* Other news gleaned from developer blogs (a great source of info)

also what about ides
for styling and look & feel of the mag. Some feedback on these areas
would be good just to gauge what others want of such a magazine.

What format/s are you looking at providing this magazine in: PDF?
Design it landscape oriented (not portrait) so it's easier to
read on a computer screen -- like issue 4 of the Ubuntu magazine
you mentioned in your first note.

I may think of some other things later.


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