Hello Jean and Andrew!!

> I can't find it. I don't remember whether I received it, but if I did,
> I've  lost it. Can you resend?
> --Jean
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> additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

It was sent to jean -at- gmail.com please confirm the address and I will
resend it


I am happy to announce that I have finished the explanation on data
modeling. This is the part where I take a real life example and apply the
concepts described in points 1 and 2 in order to achieve the design of a
working database. I am sending you this. I still need to explain the
merits of making a table data definition list and pulling all the analysis
into one final UML diagram. I am sure that this will not be a problem for
you to visualize.

Please read this text remembering that this is an educational text. This
means that there is a though development in progress that goes
progressively optimizing the concpets provided and does not start by
rendering hard universal rules. On the contrary, it reaches them at the

I am now ready to tackle the last part of this tutorial, which is
transporting the database design that the tutorial has been analyzing into
a working application. However, I will not be able to advance much without
your continued help. So please become familiar with the design and get
ready to be bombarded with questions on how to achieve things.

I hope that you enjoy the reading.

Cheers to all,


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