Variety is the spice of life.  However, in any major project you want to
avoid duplication of effort.  That duplicated effort if put into
development of the main project helps everyone a lot more in the long run.

Everyone can then draw from the main project.

It makes sense to standardize everything to a master template that
everyone works to improve.  All changes flow out from the master
template.  All translations flow out from the master template.  From
that point if someone really really wants to create an alternative, they
can easily spin off something of their own composition.

From my point of view, I really would prefer everyone apply their
creativity and time to making the central project the very best it can be.

As collaborative content simplifies and becomes easier to contribute to,
I believe it will also at the same rate become easier to draw from.  It
will be easier for people to do their own thing should they choose to.


Jean Hollis Weber wrote:
Clayton wrote:
Jean Hollis Weber wrote:
Clayton, with regards to the German and English user guides, they often
are not "translations" page-by-page. Some of the German UGs began as
translations from English (and the English Draw Guide began as a
translation from German), but both the DE and EN books have diverged
from that common source before being put on the wiki.

It's quite a different situation from a primarily wiki-based doc like
the Basic Guide or any other that may actually be translated
page-by-page. And therefore, I think, needs a different (or at least
modified) solution to the question of "What about a German user who
arrives on the Wiki and ends up at the
English guide?"

Ah, there is where a bit of the "issue" comes in.. the history of the
docs prior to Wiki-fying them can have a significant impact on the way
things are handled.  I missed/forgot that bit at the start of the
thread. If we assume a separate path for these docs, are they maintained
as totally independent docs?

Yes, as far as I know, the German and English docs are maintained completely independently. Nino should be able to confirm this.

Other languages (that work through OOoAuthors) may maintain a closer, or very close, relationship with the English originals. I don't know if any of them intend to wikify their translations.


For the Dev Guide, Basic Guide, and Admin Guide, the process I've
outlined in my previous email is working reasonably well given the
restrictions of the Wiki.

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