
So, I just create a PR as I think I am currently finished with everything I 
wanted to fix. 

Edgent should now be buildable with Maven command. At least I managed to get 
the travis build working with maven ☺

Here some structural changes I did. I refactored the project and extracted the 
TestApplications.java together with its service descriptor into a dedicated 
module located in the test submodule. Wherever a jar was referenced for 
dynamically loading, now I don’t reference the jar where it’s created during 
the build, I use the maven-dependency plugin to copy it to a location local to 
the current module and simply load it from there. This way I didn’t have to 
deal with any too complicated classpath lookups. I could not only run the tests 
as part of the Maven build, but also directly inside my IDE (IntellIJ).

Now some helpful maven commands:

Simply build the project running all unit tests:

    mvn clean install

Deploy SNAPSHOTS in Apaches Maven repository:
    mvn clean deploy

Additionally, build and deploy source and javadoc artifacts (all signed and 
require correct pgp setup on the client side):

    mvn clean deploy -Papache-release

Build without running tests:

    mvn clean install -DskipTests

The site generation still needs some love as it would currently run all test 

Please have a look at this. 


Am 31.05.17, 18:41 schrieb "Dale LaBossiere" <dml.apa...@gmail.com>:

    Christofer, can you create a [WIP] PR for this work?  Then I’ll have a 
context from which I can review / ask stupid nubie questions :-)
    Also, what’s the executive summary for running maven to build a release (or 
at least all of the jars) using this work?  And to run the tests?  I’d like to 
pull the changes into my workspace and really see what’s generated, etc
    — Dale
    > On May 28, 2017, at 10:03 AM, Christofer Dutz <christofer.d...@c-ware.de> 
    > had some time to finish the maven migration … I just pushed the changes 
to the “feature/maven” branch of my fork on github: 

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