
So, I just added some changes to get the site generation working. To have a 
look, just run

    mvn clean install site:site site:stage

After the build just go to the target/staging directory and open the index.html 
in any browser. There you can see the generated site for the project.


Am 02.06.17, 20:59 schrieb "Dale LaBossiere" <dml.apa...@gmail.com>:

    Thanks, I’ve pulled it into my workspace and started to explore.
    — Dale
    > On Jun 2, 2017, at 11:26 AM, Christofer Dutz <christofer.d...@c-ware.de> 
    > Hi,
    > So, I just create a PR as I think I am currently finished with everything 
I wanted to fix. 
    > Edgent should now be buildable with Maven command. At least I managed to 
get the travis build working with maven ☺
    > Here some structural changes I did. I refactored the project and 
extracted the TestApplications.java together with its service descriptor into a 
dedicated module located in the test submodule. Wherever a jar was referenced 
for dynamically loading, now I don’t reference the jar where it’s created 
during the build, I use the maven-dependency plugin to copy it to a location 
local to the current module and simply load it from there. This way I didn’t 
have to deal with any too complicated classpath lookups. I could not only run 
the tests as part of the Maven build, but also directly inside my IDE 
    > Now some helpful maven commands:
    > Simply build the project running all unit tests:
    >    mvn clean install
    > Deploy SNAPSHOTS in Apaches Maven repository:
    >    mvn clean deploy
    > Additionally, build and deploy source and javadoc artifacts (all signed 
and require correct pgp setup on the client side):
    >    mvn clean deploy -Papache-release
    > Build without running tests:
    >    mvn clean install -DskipTests
    > The site generation still needs some love as it would currently run all 
test twice.
    > Please have a look at this. 
    > Chris
    > Am 31.05.17, 18:41 schrieb "Dale LaBossiere" <dml.apa...@gmail.com>:
    >    Christofer, can you create a [WIP] PR for this work?  Then I’ll have a 
context from which I can review / ask stupid nubie questions :-)
    >    Also, what’s the executive summary for running maven to build a 
release (or at least all of the jars) using this work?  And to run the tests?  
I’d like to pull the changes into my workspace and really see what’s generated, 
    >    Thanks!
    >    — Dale
    >> On May 28, 2017, at 10:03 AM, Christofer Dutz 
<christofer.d...@c-ware.de> wrote:
    >> had some time to finish the maven migration … I just pushed the changes 
to the “feature/maven” branch of my fork on github: 

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