Hmm… I’m not familiar with that code but will take a look.

Susan, any thoughts, including whether or not this sort of difference could 
account for the graph not getting rendered but the console page otherwise 
looking ok?  (reminder this is pr309 and you can clone Chris’s fork to get all 
the changes)

— Dale

> On Sep 18, 2017, at 8:54 AM, Christofer Dutz <> 
> wrote:
> Hi all,
> well I did have a more detailed look at the original (Gradle) version and the 
> maven version. When running both examples, I could see two requests every 5 
> seconds. Both of them are answered by the server. The “jobs” request is 
> answered identically. The difference seems to be in the “metrics” response:
> The working version of the Gradle version produces this:
> {
>    "jobId": "JOB_0",
>    "ops": [
>        {
>            "opId": "OP_2",
>            "metrics": [
>                {
>                    "type": "counter",
>                    "name": "Count",
>                    "value": "219"
>                }
>            ]
>        }
>    ]
> }
> The Maven version however produces this:
> {
>    "jobId": "JOB_0",
>    "ops": [
>        {
>            "opId": "OP_2",
>            "metrics": [
>                {
>                    "type": "long",
>                    "name": "Count",
>                    "value": "436"
>                }
>            ]
>        }
>    ]
> }
> The difference seems to be that the “type” is “counter” in the working 
> version and “long” in the not working version. I tried debugging this, but I 
> couldn’t really understand why this is different.
> Any ideas what could be wrong? I guess in general things should be working, 
> all we have to do is fix some final mini-quirks.
> Chris

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