Good news - saw your comment on FELIX-55.

Be very good to get on a later version of jetty - it's served us well to date with the heavy lifting of our Http Service and making sure it performs and works reasonably well, so would be very happy to get onto a more recent version.

We're starting to do a lot of Ajax work using our OSGi platform - and Jetty 6 support for continuations is very interesting. As a result be happy to help out and test new versions where we can.

I wonder, whether it would make sense to include
the Servlet API required by Jetty 6 in this bundle.
Traditionally - we've always packaged a separate javax.servlet bundle. I'd guess with OSGi 4's better control of imports and exports we could possibly include Servlet packages in the Jetty bundle, but ensuring they can be overridden if a user wants to use their own bundle / version of the servlet packages.

Just one other note - I noticed recently that our current basic Http Service doesn't stamp response with timestamp headers in a nice way, and as a result cacheing proxies and intermediaries don't work that well. I fixed this locally in my specific Servlet, but it seems we should fix in actual Http Service. Noted this in FELIX-407. Maybe something we can roll into the jetty 6 work

Good luck - and email me if I can help out at all.

-- Rob

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