Well, the original Felix project proposal was to implement the entire spec and bring open source OSGi communities together under one project. So, it seems to me that we should have our own and/or encouraging PAX to join us.

-> richard

Felix Meschberger wrote:
Hi all,

Thanks for the feedback and the pointers to Pax-Web at OPS4J. It quickly
checked it out and it works for me.

Now back to our Felix implementation: I just quickly hacked to gether
some support upto the point, where it runs for me. I attached a patch to
the Felix trunk to FELIX-55 and would be very happy if some others could
throw an eye or two on it. Thanks alot.

On the other, we might probably very well stick with what we have
(either the original Jetty 4 based one) or an upgraded Jetty6 based one.
I am kind of unsure as to where to go from now given that OPS4J pax-web
has the latest and greatest Jetty 6 support ...

   * Should we stay at Jetty 4 and release as-is (pre-Servlet 2.3
compliant) ?
   * Should we go for Jetty 6 and release (Servlet 2.5 compliant) ?



Am Dienstag, den 08.01.2008, 17:46 +0100 schrieb Felix Meschberger:
Hi all,

As already noted I am working on integration Jetty 6 in the http.jetty
bundle. On the course, I wonder, whether it would make sense to include
the Servlet API required by Jetty 6 in this bundle.

My reasoning for this is, that the servlet API version is closely tied
to the Servlet Container implementation we are using to implement the
OSGi HTTP Service specification. By including the API we also manifest
this tie by exporting the API from the same bundle as the HTTP Service



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