Niclas Hedhman wrote:
On Monday 28 July 2008 14:33, Marcel Offermans wrote:
I'd prefer a name that reflects the main features of this logger. Something
like plugable logger, or log adapter.

Main feature; Interception of calls to many/most existing Log framework in legacy code that is OSGi-enabled without being OSGi dependent.

Current detail; Uses Log4J behind the scenes, and inadvertently exposes the Log4J properties configuration format via ManagedService. Perhaps not optimal, but a compromise made 2-3 years ago.

log.flogger   (I love that name...)

So, as I was saying, if we were ever to get another logger that was also a robust and general logger, then it wouldn't be easy to differentiate it from this logger if we chose a name like that latter two.

The more I think about it, we should probably let our documentation indicate the intended features and usage of our projects and not try to squeeze this into the module name unless there is an obvious choice. For example, if a logger was tied to a particular technology, like RMI, then it might make sense to call it log.rmi, but in this case I do not see a specific feature that captures everything.

As such, I am leaning toward giving it a name. If Niclas likes Flogger, I am fine with that.

Anyone else have any thoughts about all of this?

-> richard

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