That's because Google Media Server, Tversity and Cybergate are media servers 
and NOT media renderers, and therefore they have no AV Transport service.
I suggest that you should take a read of:

As this explains quite clearly the role of media servers and renderers, and the 
services that they provide.

On 06/10/2008 13:52, "Survivant 00" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In order to play media you will need to find another device which supports the 
AVTransport service. This has the play() and stop() actions.

Agreed, and I know the PS3 is a only a player, my question was why Google Media 
Server, Tversity or cybergate media server are not detected as AVTransport 
service ?

because the 2 previous services, will list was media is available, but doesn't 
have to had them on there server, it can be on the server than reside the 
AVTransport service.

do you have a sample of AVTransport service (prefenrencly in java)  and how the 
mapping is done between the application that had the contentdirectory and the 
connectionmanager services ?

for Jetty, I think the latest version can use NIO from grizzly 

2008/10/6 Jackson, Bruce <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Hi Stefano

I'm aware of that, my question was more whether Jetty used NIO at all. I know 
the base driver doesn't, but I've never looked at the Jetty source.



On 06/10/2008 13:18, "Stefano Lenzi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <http://[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]> > wrote:

Hi Bruce and Surviant,

I would like to clarify which HTTP implementation is used by the Apache
Felix UPnP Base Driver, basedriver from now one. The only HTTP
implementation used by the basedriver uses the HTTP server developed by
CyberLink which uses jre-1.3 classes (so neither NIO nor MINA). In
particular, the basedriver depends on CyberDomo which is a patched
version of the CyberLink library so it uses the HTTP implemented by
CyberDomo library.

The Jetty HTTP implementation *may* be used by the UPnPDevice service
registered on the platform that are willing to be accessed by means of
presentationURL, as defined in the UPnP Device Architecture document.
Because the UPnPDevice *may* uses the HttpService defined by OSGi
specification, and the current implementation of the HTTP bundle
developed by the Apache Felix project uses Jetty.

At the end, to summarize:
-       Apache Felix UPnP Base Driver relies only on the CyberDomo HTTP
-       Jetty is used only by UPnPDevice which relies on the HTTP bundle
implementation developed by the Apache Felix project

Stefano "Kismet" Lenzi

P.S.: Surviant you are free to provide a patch either for CyberLink or
CyberDomo to enable NIO or MINA

Jackson, Bruce ha scritto:
> Streaming isn't done by the UPnP library at all. All the Content directory 
> does is to provide the rendering application with a URL. Where that points is 
> entirely up to you, but would typically be to a servlet running in your media 
> server application (probably using the OSGi http service). Whether the http 
> service uses NIO is another question altogether and I've no idea about the 
> default Jetty implementation shipped with Felix. But if you want to use NIO, 
> then you can always write something yourself that does.
> On 04/10/2008 22:22, "Survivant 00" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <http://[EMAIL 
> PROTECTED]> > wrote:
> thanks
> after that I read more about upnp, I find out that a media server need
> contentdirectory  +contentmanager.  I'll read more about upnp and use the
> cybergarage sample to play around.  After that I'll switch to felix upnp.
> right now i'm able to have a media server shown on the ps3.. just not able
> to stream data yet.
> in Felix upnp, how the streaming is done ?  (I read that felix upnp was a
> updated version of cyberdomo library, but is it possible to replace the http
> request made within cyberlink with NIO (like Mina ? )
> 2008/10/2 Francesco Furfari <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <http://[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >
>> well, trying to simulate a media server just changing the declared types
>> could be unhelpful. If the CP on the PS3 do some deep check on the device
>> description, it could decide to discard a non valid device.
>> I forget to say that Intel Tool is for wWindows machines but if you can
>> intall it then you can run the UPnp Ligth device and also UPnP sniffer ...
>> it is limited but you can play with exchanged packets
>> francesco
>> Survivant 00 wrote:
>>> thanks.. it's a clear answer.
>>> I'm modifying the sample of Felix to change the type for MediaServer liek
>>> cyberlink Media Server.  I'll see if the PS3 see it.  I'm pretty sure it's
>>> something like that.
>>> There is still the problem with google media server.
>>> I'll keep the thread in touch if modifying the config of the samples, will
>>> appears on the ps3.
>>> 2008/10/1 Francesco Furfari <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <http://[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >
>>>  If you refer to the UPnP Specification, yes it's true.
>>>> Usually talking bout physical device, when they are plugged on the
>>>> network
>>>> they should send an advertisement (multicast messages) about their
>>>> presence.
>>>> But in the UPnP Ecosystem there are also Control Points (CP)entities that
>>>> are consumers of the services exposed by UPnP devices; CPs can be develop
>>>> 1)
>>>> to work exactly with a specific type of device, for instance a CP
>>>> implementing a Light Control Panel would be interested to discover only
>>>> devices implementing the UPnP Lighting profile, that's ignoring all the
>>>> rest
>>>> of UPnP devices like media servers; 2) to listen every type of device,
>>>> that's they are Generic Control Points (i.e. the Felix UPnP Tester
>>>> Bundle).
>>>> In latter case they are interested to receive every multicast message
>>>> sent
>>>> by UPnP devices plugged on the network. The problem arise when a Generic
>>>> Control Point is started/connected when other UpnP devices are already
>>>> connected to the network, that 's they have loose the multicast messages
>>>> sent previously. In this case the CP can issue a multicast search request
>>>> (called M-SEARCH) specifying the kind of devices to which it is
>>>> interested
>>>> (e.g. all-devices, only root devices, a device type). If there are UPnP
>>>> devices compatible with the Search Target field of the message then they
>>>> will reply to the CP.
>>>> So to summarize you should be sure that in your PS3 you are using a
>>>> generic
>>>> control point that is interested to see every kind of device not only one
>>>> type (.ie. media server) otherwise the UPnP samples that you start with
>>>> Felix are not valid because they implement a particular device type. May
>>>> be
>>>> for this reason Bruce has answered to you saying that you should
>>>> implement a
>>>> media server on Felix. As crosscheck, I suggested of launching the Intel
>>>> Light Device (
>>>> ).
>>>> If you are able to see the Intel device Light on th PS3 then I 'm quite
>>>> sure
>>>> there is a problem with the Felix UPnp Implementation. As consequence of
>>>> this, (supposing UPnP impementation on Ps3 works fine) we have to
>>>> understand
>>>> if the problem is on the multicast announce od the devices or in the
>>>> response to the multicat search sent by the PS3 ... or in both :(
>>>> hoping this clarify
>>>> regards,
>>>> francesco
>>>> ciao,
>>>> francesco
>>>> Survivant 00 wrote:
>>>>  :)
>>>>> I'll do the test tonight, I'm at work now.
>>>>> just to help me understand, I tough that a upnp device was automaticaly
>>>>> availables it is true ?  if not, do you have to specify certains
>>>>> settings
>>>>> ?
>>>>> 2008/9/30 Francesco Furfari <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <http://[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>>>>> >
>>>>>  yes Sébastien,  I was thinking to the PS3 not a service pack 3 ;-)
>>>>>> meanwhile you could tell me if the discovery fail in both the cases
>>>>>> (changing the launching order) and of course if you have already tested
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> PS3 with other simple devices like the Intel Light (this because I
>>>>>> don't
>>>>>> know PS3 and I would be sure that it searches for all the devices and
>>>>>> not
>>>>>> only for certain device types like media server ...
>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>> francesco
>>>>>> Survivant 00 wrote:
>>>>>>  my name = Sébastien Dionne
>>>>>>> just to be clear.. it's not SP3, but PS3 (Playstation 3).
>>>>>>> I'll wait for further instruction.
>>>>>>> 2008/9/30 Francesco Furfari <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <http://[EMAIL 
>>>>>>> PROTECTED]> >
>>>>>>>  Hi <your name?>
>>>>>>>  well give me some time to check the problems with Google Media server
>>>>>>>> (
>>>>>>>> i
>>>>>>>> will install all the stuff in the next days).
>>>>>>>> Regarding the SP3 I need to know if launching first the Felix samples
>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> then SP3 and viceversa (first SP3 and then samples) the behaviour is
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> same.
>>>>>>>> thanks for the help I 'll be back to you ASAP, in these days I'm a
>>>>>>>> bit
>>>>>>>> busy.
>>>>>>>> ciao
>>>>>>>> francesco
>>>>>>>> Survivant 00 wrote:
>>>>>>>>  What I did is simple.
>>>>>>>>  I started the sample with the upnp.bat .
>>>>>>>>> I saw all the devices from the sample + the device TVersity that run
>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>> another computer.
>>>>>>>>> I was expected to see the samples on the PS3.. even if the PS3 won't
>>>>>>>>> we
>>>>>>>>> able
>>>>>>>>> to do anything with it, but It should still shown on the PS3.
>>>>>>>>> + I didn't see my google media server on the devices list.. I see it
>>>>>>>>> perfectly on the PS3.
>>>>>>>>> I downloaded the cybergarage Cyberlink Media Server.
>>>>>>>>> and I'm able to see this device on the tester that came with the
>>>>>>>>> sample,
>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>>> it's shown on the PS3, and I'm able to browse it too.
>>>>>>>>> I can help you to debug it if you tell me what I can do to help you.
>>>>>>>>> just tell me the tools to use and the tests to run.
>>>>>>>>> and I know that felix is a newer version, but that's the point.. I
>>>>>>>>> was
>>>>>>>>> expecting the sample to shown on the PS3.. just shown is enough..
>>>>>>>>> I'll
>>>>>>>>> do
>>>>>>>>> the rest to create a media server.. but I just want a base to start
>>>>>>>>> from.
>>>>>>>>> 2008/9/30 Francesco Furfari <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <http://[EMAIL 
>>>>>>>>> PROTECTED]> >
>>>>>>>>>  Hi,
>>>>>>>>>  Bruce Jackson has opened a bug (
>>>>>>>>>> that could be
>>>>>>>>>> related
>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>> your,  although it concerns Xbox 360.
>>>>>>>>>> However, supposing there is not a network problem, you may do some
>>>>>>>>>> test
>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>> understand if the problem is related to either the M-SEARCH or the
>>>>>>>>>> Announce
>>>>>>>>>> of the devices, or both :(.
>>>>>>>>>> So when you start/stop a sample on the Felix platform an announce
>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>>>> sent
>>>>>>>>>> to the already started UPnP Control Points (CPs). If they after a
>>>>>>>>>> while
>>>>>>>>>> do
>>>>>>>>>> not see the sample device it means that the announce is not well
>>>>>>>>>> interpreted/received by the CPs. Then stop and restart the CPs,
>>>>>>>>>> they
>>>>>>>>>> should
>>>>>>>>>> send an M-SEARCH packet to which the samples running on the Felix
>>>>>>>>>> Platform
>>>>>>>>>> must reply. If the samples are not discovered then the problem is
>>>>>>>>>> also
>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>> the M-Search response (e.g Felix-630).
>>>>>>>>>> Try also to use some packet sniffer to see what really happen on
>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>> network, I cannot help you because I haven't got a PS3
>>>>>>>>>> francesco
>>>>>>>>>> Jackson, Bruce wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>  When you say that you're using the samples in felix, what do you
>>>>>>>>>> mean?
>>>>>>>>>>  Cyberlink is a upnp media server application built on top of the
>>>>>>>>>>> upnp
>>>>>>>>>>> stack.
>>>>>>>>>>> You would need to build a similar media server on top of the felix
>>>>>>>>>>> upnp
>>>>>>>>>>> stack in order for it to be seen by the ps3. Felix uses a newer
>>>>>>>>>>> version
>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>>> the same underlying upnp base driver as cyberlink.
>>>>>>>>>>> --- original message ---
>>>>>>>>>>> From: "Survivant 00" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <http://[EMAIL PROTECTED]> >
>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: upnp media server pure java
>>>>>>>>>>> Date: 29th September 2008
>>>>>>>>>>> Time: 6:40:11 pm
>>>>>>>>>>> I found the program Cyberlink media server and I'm able to see it
>>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>>>>>> PS3.  I think it use a old version of cyberlink upnp library.
>>>>>>>>>>> I want to try the same thing with Felix... I have plan to
>>>>>>>>>>> reverse-engineer
>>>>>>>>>>> it to understand the difference.
>>>>>>>>>>> did someone know what is missing in the sample to be able to do
>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>> same
>>>>>>>>>>> thing ?
>>>>>>>>>>> 2008/9/29 Survivant 00 <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <http://[EMAIL 
>>>>>>>>>>> PROTECTED]> >
>>>>>>>>>>>  I want to do a media server using Felix upnp.  I downloaded and
>>>>>>>>>>> builded
>>>>>>>>>>>  the
>>>>>>>>>>>  source code.  When I run the samples, I'm able to see them within
>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>>>> tester.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I even see my Tversity that run on another computer.
>>>>>>>>>>>> but I don't see my Google media server and I don't see the
>>>>>>>>>>>> samples
>>>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>>>>>>> Playstations 3.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Is the Felix upnp is complete or there something missing to be
>>>>>>>>>>>> able
>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>>>>>> reconized google media server and be seen on the PS3 ?
>>>>>>>>>>>> my principale target will be the PS3.

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