I hope this email finds you well, since Apache Con is over we can resume
discussing the potential ideas and maybe fix some level of community
established quorum on those ideas.

Last year , we proposed several Architectural (this does not mean that we
nuke existing work)changes in Fineract CN. We have learned

1. Make Fineract CN developers ready. (Through the use of tech like
generators that allows the  easy bootstrapping)
2. Implementing a consensus layer and script like a rule engine.
3. We should potentially explore ideas down distributed architecture also
at the same time.
4. Moving forward on protocol level rather than API
5. Slowly phasing out or contributing on top of Fineract CN. How do we do
that ? Like if we change something deep (maybe introducing another library
that does most of the work and phase out the non-essential )
6. Using smart contract rather than microsservices
7. Having a single source of truth (something like blockchain that can work
for consensus and data protection)

I would like to take this task, or probably hire a resource on behalf of a
non profit foundation that can take this task ahead, collaborate with
stakeholders and understand what are the ways we can potentially explore.

This is not about code changes or a PR so please avoid sending emails like
Open a ticket on JIRA (Yes yes we will do that but first let's come to a
consensus which way we would like to go.)

Please contribute over this thread and probably lets treat this email as
information gatherer rather then jumping on the conclusion
Thanks and regards,

Saransh Sharma
Research Partner

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