On Sun, Sep 26, 2021 at 2:54 PM Awasum Yannick <awa...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi Saransh,
> Right now, the most important things we need to do on Fineract are to:
> 1.) Upgrade the major project dependencies.
>      a.) Upgrade to Spring Boot 2 ( this is already in progress and needs
> testing) .
>      b.) Upgrade from Java 8 to Java 11 (LTS). Java 17 is another LTS
> version but we can do that later.
>      c.) Upgrade to a more recent version of Angular, say 10, 11 or 12.
> How much effort do you think will be required for all these?

Honestly manually upgrading 40 repos is a daunting task don't you think?

2.) Deploy a Sandbox Environment for Testing Fineract CN. So the community
> will have a demo environment for playing around and learning about the new
> system.
> 3.) Figure out how to Release Fineract CN. Myrle, Markus and Mark will
> help us when we get here, they have a lot of experiences in that area.
> Others will be available to help including Petri, Juhan, Mike, Aleks and
> many others.
> 4.) Write Documentation on how to host Fineract CN on major Cloud
> Infrastructure.
> 5.) Decide on how to host Fineract CN artifacts either using JFrog or
> whatever solution is available out there... Juhan already did a lot of work
> in that direction
I think this is where we have to put a lot of time artifacts are binded in
single language, if we say that we stick to certain codebase always then it
make sense are we sticking to such choice then we are always binded to such
methods , now choice is do we want to move away from this?

> 6.) With 5. in place, we can figure out a complete CI/CD environment for
> auto deploying to the sandbox environment we defined in 2. above..
> .....
> Why dont we add these also ::
Why dont we retire some services from FineractCN and perhaps these services
could be
1. Auth service instead use PKI and Public Key based AUTH that are already
in use. or let people use whatever auth they like ?
2. Retire provisioner,  and its supported libs that are like anubis
If we retire some services and make the product light weight then we have a
chance to quickly upgrade the project.

This is going to be controversial:: Maybe we retire the DB support since
sticking with one single DB could be problematic in the design patterns of
the Microservices. (I know a lot will say what will happen to Multi-tenancy
and migration)
I think we could use a different kind of DB that just stores on log level
and has inbuilt encryption like a blockchain DB ?

There are so many things to do on Fineract CN. These are some of the most
> important things which this community needs. We can start drawing up a road
> map for these things and begin working on them.
> As a community, we have not been able to achieve even a fraction of these
> important goals over the past few years since the initial importation of
> code into Apache Infra. Some powerful and forward thinking Orgs have hard
> forked Fineract CN and are making progress and it has been successful for
> them. This shows Fineract CN can work. Let's not abandon it, let's make it
> better and even do an initial release of Apache Fineract CN before we start
> talking about doing other things. We can build whatever blockchain or smart
> contract solutions on top of the fundamental release. If we cannot do the
> above as a community then we won't be able to do whatever you or
> anyone else will propose.
> Why have we not been able to make progress with releasing Apache Fineract
> CN? Why? That should be a question on our minds.
> Then once we have that then we can ask the community to roll features on
top in their language by the support of generators in their lang choice and

Hey, Ronald and Awasum , this superset sounds good , let's do that. Here I
am able to grant and support another 1500 USD to support this kind of

Let me know if you guys wish to work together and make this a project
workable and show it to the community.


> On Sat, Sep 25, 2021 at 4:23 PM Saransh Sharma <sara...@muellners.org>
> wrote:
>> I hope this email finds you well, since Apache Con is over we can resume
>> discussing the potential ideas and maybe fix some level of community
>> established quorum on those ideas.
>> Last year , we proposed several Architectural (this does not mean that we
>> nuke existing work)changes in Fineract CN. We have learned
>> 1. Make Fineract CN developers ready. (Through the use of tech like
>> generators that allows the  easy bootstrapping)
>> 2. Implementing a consensus layer and script like a rule engine.
>> 3. We should potentially explore ideas down distributed architecture also
>> at the same time.
>> 4. Moving forward on protocol level rather than API
>> 5. Slowly phasing out or contributing on top of Fineract CN. How do we do
>> that ? Like if we change something deep (maybe introducing another library
>> that does most of the work and phase out the non-essential )
>> 6. Using smart contract rather than microsservices
>> 7. Having a single source of truth (something like blockchain that can
>> work for consensus and data protection)
>> I would like to take this task, or probably hire a resource on behalf of
>> a non profit foundation that can take this task ahead, collaborate with
>> stakeholders and understand what are the ways we can potentially explore.
>> This is not about code changes or a PR so please avoid sending emails
>> like Open a ticket on JIRA (Yes yes we will do that but first let's come to
>> a consensus which way we would like to go.)
>> Please contribute over this thread and probably lets treat this email as
>> information gatherer rather then jumping on the conclusion
>> --
>> Thanks and regards,
>> Saransh Sharma
>> Research Partner
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Thanks and regards,

Saransh Sharma
Research Partner

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