On Mon, Jan 21, 2013 at 11:02 PM, Erik de Bruin <e...@ixsoftware.nl> wrote:

> Hi,
> >> I spent some time going through your new framework.  First off, I think
> it
> >> deserves to be called something else.  The "JS" in "ASJS" implies that
> it
> >> is a JS specific implementation of the framework.  In reality it is not.
> > Well, I called that to show that it is a parallel framework.  That we
> build
> > both AS and JS beads.  But I don't care to much about what we end up
> calling
> > it.
> Well, I do care. There are 2 naming conventions I think are working
> well right now: the intended use of a framework decides the first:
> ASJS stands for Actionscript to JavaScript, exactly what the
> frameworks and tools in there do.

There is a brand new framework in there that has nothing to do with JS
[1].  In fact, Alex has envisioned this new framework in a way that it does
not know where it is going to be run on.  My proposal is to have a
directory structure that clearly separates the concerns.

> The second is the approach taken
> when going from AS to JS: first there is FlexJS, Alex's set of bottom
> up, start from scratch frameworks (one for AS and one for JS), and
> then there is VanillaSDK, my attempt at a top down, use the Flex SDK
> and write a complimentary JS framework approach.
> ASJS is also the home of the Publisher I'm writing, which will take
> either framework (FlexJS and VanillaSDK) and use it and it's
> dependencies to build an AS/MXML project into a HTML/JS project, again
> AS -> JS.
> I don't mind renaming/rebranding things, especially is something is
> gained by doing so (even if it's only better marketing), but we should
> take care not to end up with a too generic naming convention just
> trying to fit too many projects under one roof.

I agree with everything you are saying.  But please hear me out.  This is
what I am proposing:  Instead of it being:


lets make it (replace *AlexFlex *with whatever codename you want to):


This way, I can go in and add something like:



Do you see where I am going with this?  My goal (if a bit naive) is to tag
along with this new framework and explore how best we can start rendering
stuff using the GPU.  Having a source tree with the term "asjs" and working
on Flash player specific stuff - that can never be replicated in JS or
HTML5 sounds like a bad idea to me.  Hence the request.

If you have an alternative to what I am trying to achieve, I am all ears.


> EdB
[1] http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/flex/asjs/branches/develop/frameworks/as/

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