On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 2:40 AM, Erik de Bruin <e...@ixsoftware.nl> wrote:

> Om,
> I see your point. Here's mine: Alex's new framework has an AS and a JS
> part. Currently projects build using his AS part are compiled with
> FalconJS to run in the browser using his JS framework. Alex has named
> his framework combo FlexJS. I think that name (FlexJS) should be
> revisited as that framework clearly has more uses than enabling JS
> output.
> You are 'only' interested in the AS part of FlexJS. My suggestion
> would be that you and Alex move the AS framework out of the asjs tree
> into it's own root *AlexFlex*. This leaves only JS frameworks (with
> the JS part of FlexJS chief among them) in 'asjs/../frameworks/js', so
> these JS frameworks could move up one level.
> The new situation should look something like this (hoping it isn't
> wrapped to pieces by the various email clients):
> root
>     |
>     - asjs
>         |
>         - branches
>             |
>             - develop
>                 |
>                 - examples
>                 |
>                 - frameworks
>                     |
>                     - *FlexJS* (the JS part)
>                     |
>                     - VanillaSDK
>                 |
>                 - publisher
>     - *AlexFlex*
>         |
>         - branches
>             |
>             - develop
>                 |
>                 - frameworks
>                     |
>                     - *FlexJS* (the AS part)
>                         |
>                         - *OM_GPU_MAGIC*
> That way, everything that has to do with AS -> JS cross compilation
> can stay in 'asjs' (which is a fitting name), and anything that has to
> do with Alex's new AS framework goes into the new location.
> Makes sense?
> EdB
> > http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/flex/*asjs*/branches/develop/frameworks/as/
> >
> http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/flex/*asjs*/branches/develop/frameworks/js/FlexJS/
> >
> http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/flex/*asjs*/branches/develop/frameworks/js/VanillaSDK/
> > etc.
> >
> > lets make it (replace *AlexFlex *with whatever codename you want to):
> >
> >
> http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/flex/*AlexFlex*/branches/develop/frameworks/as/
> >
> http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/flex/*AlexFlex*/branches/develop/frameworks/js/FlexJS/
> >
> http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/flex/*AlexFlex*/branches/develop/frameworks/js/VanillaSDK/
> > etc.
> >
> > This way, I can go in and add something like:
> >
> http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/flex/*AlexFlex*/branches/develop/frameworks/as/src/org/apache/flex/stage3d/
> >
> > alongside
> >
> >
> http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/flex/*AlexFlex*/branches/develop/frameworks/as/src/org/apache/flex/html/
> --
> Ix Multimedia Software
> Jan Luykenstraat 27
> 3521 VB Utrecht
> T. 06-51952295
> I. www.ixsoftware.nl

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