On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 10:00 AM, Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com> wrote:

>   That's why I've chosen a new
> parallel framework:  I've already got a prototype up and running, and I
> would not be able to do that with the current Flex SDK.  Hopefully the
> patterns I am using the new framework are extensible enough to allow it to
> grow up to match the old Flex SDK over time.

This sounds very interesting to me.  I have been playing around with
Starling and Stage3D to see how best to render Flex via the GPU.  I've come
to the conclusion that this would entail rewriting a lot of of existing
Flex code.  In your new framework, do you think it would be possible to
switch from DisplayObject based rendering to GPU based rendering as needed?
 Did you consider this option when designing your new framework?

Any chance we could see your prototype any time soon?


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