Any more thoughts on how to manage the whiteboard repo?  If its okay with
everyone, I will go ahead and start a VOTE thread soon.

Personally, I like the option of working on GitHub for the whiteboard.  In
a way it levels the playing field of committer vs. non-committer.  This
could foster more community involvement.  Going back to my first days of
contributing to Apache Flex, I did all my Installer related work on GitHub
and just posted the link on the dev forum here.  After a lot of discussion,
Justin (who was a committer by then) and a couple of non-committers forked
my project and started sending me Pull requests.  This gave me a more
flexibility in how I contributed as a non-committer.  The fork that Justin
did on GitHub can be considered as a whiteboard area, except that it let
him foster community participation (like me and the other non-committers)

And of course, working with GitHub is a breeze.  Once you create your own
space, you can create unlimited projects and branches.


On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 1:54 PM, Alex Harui <> wrote:

> The way I see it:
> #1 Pros:  Uses Git.  Therefore you only need to know one SCM.  Any work
> with
> a rich branching history retains that history when landing in the main
> repos.
> #1 Cons:  240MB initial download.  It took several hours for some folks.
> #2 Pros:  Not sure.
> #2 Cons:  I think it would be hard to switch between branches when you have
> changes pending if you want to help out on someone else's whiteboard?  Fred
> seemed to have other concerns.
> #3 Pros:  Much easier to set up repos, I think.
> #3 Cons:  Unclear about Apache approval.  Have to be careful about who else
> contributes to your code.
> #4 Pros:  Smaller initial download
> #4 Cons:  Might be more work to transfer source from SVN to Git with
> history?
> For me, retaining history is way more important than waiting 2.5 hours once
> for the initial download.
> On 3/21/13 1:34 PM, "Om" <> wrote:
> > Sorry, I have not been tracking the votes. Let me start up a new vote
> with
> > these options:
> >
> > ===================================
> > What to do with Whiteboard?
> >
> >    1. Use the sparse checkout option as described here (
> >
> >    2. Create a branch per user in the whiteboard
> >    3. Move to github for whiteboards
> >    4. Let whiteboards remain in SVN
> >
> > ===================================
> >
> > If there are more options, please add it to the discussion here.  I will
> > give some time for discussion before starting an official VOTE thread.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Om
> >
> > On Thu, Mar 21, 2013 at 1:30 PM, Frédéric THOMAS
> > <>wrote:
> >
> >> Om,
> >>
> >> Btw, I remove my vote of 3.1 and give my +1 to the 3.4 (stay on svn),
> >> that's a lazy vote, I can change my mind ?
> >>
> >> -Fred
> >>
> --
> Alex Harui
> Flex SDK Team
> Adobe Systems, Inc.

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