While Adobe deserve some vitriol for the way they have handled Flash, i would say that Steve Jobs is the true villain - if Flash Player had been welcomed onto iDevices, it would still have a bright future and we wouldn't be having this discussion.

But, as Igor says, no point crying over spilt milk.

On 29/10/2013 14:29, Igor Costa wrote:
Too much hate from people with Adobe.

IMO this is the way life is, get used to. Let's focus only on Flex and
FlexJS, past it's where it belongs history. Let's make another history here.

Shumway is an effort to make browser plug-in free, part of every browser

Igor Costa

On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 10:40 AM, <f...@dfguy.us> wrote:

Well the ability to control display objects however you want and the
entire class structure is obviously different. So you essentially have
everything on screen as a canvas. Plus the display list allows you to
manage the organization of objects in a nice clean way that is intuitive.
Also my experience with both this and some modern js libraries leaves me
preferring the code organization provided with flex projects, pqckages and
classes. Javascript on the other hand can be more difficult to organize in
a reuseable way. Then the javascript language itself is not very good.

I like the idea of having a working exporter to port the projects to
working js to target more platforms. I would just like to see Adobe
continuing to improve the runtime and make improvements that support things
like flex mobile. For example getting better native controls for inputs and
media. I really like having the framework with Apache because it seems like
everyone can get closer to the development and drive the new features.
Really all that's needed in my mind is some solid footing from Adobe so
that people can have confidence in the platform going forward. With flash
and air and then potentially js support it really is a great cross platform

-----Original Message-----
From: Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com>
To: "dev@flex.apache.org" <dev@flex.apache.org>
Sent: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 11:36 PM
Subject: Re: Mozilla takes on Flash

On 10/28/13 6:14 PM, "f...@dfguy.us" <f...@dfguy.us> wrote:
My deal is I've always preferred the programming model in the flash
runtimes. The way you control graphics and objects and the organization
of flex project code is superior. Also the use of components and
extensibility of classes with flex and oo actionscript since version 3 is
so much better tgan javascript. I just wish there was more of an
enterprise focus from adobe with the runtimes since it makes it a hard
sell for professionals trying to promote the use of the runtimes and
framework to business given all of the focus on graphic design, gaming
and entertainment by Adobe now. Flex is great at eating data and
integrating with enterprise architectures ...
Not sure what your favorite parts are, but unless you are doing lots of
graphics in Flex, the FlexJS effort is trying to keep the things you like
about AS3 and get it to work without Flash.

Lee Burrows

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