On 11/18/13 12:19 PM, "Erik de Bruin" <e...@ixsoftware.nl> wrote:

>I'm clear. Sounds awesome! Let me know when the ant script is done,
>I'll work it into a Jenkins job so we get a fresh overlay for each
>commit to either Falcon(Jx) or FlexJS. Another advantage, besides
>being always up to date, is that this way there will be a fixed URL
>pointing to the latest and greatest overlay.
>By the way, did you see my commit for the defaults for the command
>line arguments to FalconJx? Having those should make the launch files
>a bit lighter, not having to set these arguments and all.
No, I missed that.  How does it work?  FalconJX is also picking up the
-library-path and main mxml file from the FB config, but having a way to
pick up the other options would be great too.

One thing I see coming up is that if you have a big enough project to have
your own SWCs, once you cross-compile that SWC to a folder of JS files,
there is no automagic mapping of the library-path to the SWC to the folder
of JS files for that SWC.  Maybe we can guess the folder of JS files from
certain library-path entries?


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