
> Might be a good question for general@incubator.  Mind if I ask there?
Ask away.  But I think we should set a good example here and not try and get 
around the rules.

> I'm all for faster release cycles.  I think it is 30 minutes minimum to
> validate the TDF RC.
It not really that complex to validate it IMO. And if we release often there 
well be less changes between versions and as it really multiple small 
applications you have a good idea of which ones you need to look at and which 
you can ignore.

> Given the potentially high traffic and profile TDF
> might get, we might be tempted to immediately fix any problem reported.
There is no need to fix every issue immediately, we just need to acknowledge 
the issue (like in JIRA for instance), hopefully someone will fix it, and it 
can be released when we make the next release. Exactly the same situation as 
the SDK, it's not like that is 100% bug free (or we would have no open JIRAs)

> Doing daily releases would be a little too fast for me.
I don't think we need daily releases and voting periods will overlap probably 
making it very confusing. But if enough people show interest and contribute 
examples I could see a release a month.

> Only successful builds would get pushed.
Which can still be non functioning, should we ship everything just because it 


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