Hi Mahmoud,

Let me see if I understand:

Was Flat-UI written by some other group of people, maybe a group called
DesignModo, and you are not affiliated with them?

Did you just write new source code to implement their visuals?

Does your source code have dependencies on BootStrap?

Is your code written in ActionScript, JavaScript or both?

IMO, it would be better to not donate new components that might have a
complicated history.  You can probably donate or re-create those later
with a much simpler process.


On 9/2/14 9:30 PM, "Mahmoud Ali" <mudd...@gmail.com> wrote:

>I would like to donate the entire source code.
>It is actually based on FlatUI, which is open-source but under CC 3.0 and
>MIT License. While it is not a fork, all the color schemes are based on
>this. (https://github.com/designmodo/Flat-UI)
>We had planned a version of BootFlat but other things got in the way and
>ended up not doing much progress. I remember that some people showed more
>interest in the BootFlat skin, so if you decide BootFlat should be the
>default skin, it would take a few weeks to get it ready.
>Regarding FlatSpark, there are some custom components we made, like
>ButtonIcon, TextInputIcon and ToggleSwitch, would this be donated too,
>since they are not official SDK implementations?
>I'm asking this because I remember that some custom components used some
>examples from the internet (which I think could be a problem when
>donating), so if there is no interest in them, it will make the first step
>On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 11:37 PM, Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com> wrote:
>> > I believe we are still interested.  Can you re-cap what you would
>>plan to
>> > donate?  Is it still derived from BootFlat?
>> >
>> > I have just completed processing the donation of Radii8 from Judah
>> > Frangipane.  I think I now have cycles to work with you on this
>> > if you want my assistance.  (You don't have to pick me, there's
>>plenty of
>> > documentation and other folks who might be interested in helping).
>> Either
>> > way, I think the next steps are:
>> >
>> > 1) Review the files you plan to donate to determine their provenance
>> > (essentially, who is the owner and what licenses might apply).  Apache
>> can
>> > only accept certain licenses.  If you have questions, ask on the
>> > list, but feel free to ask me off-list in case names of people come
>>up or
>> > some mis-handling of IP is discovered.  It doesn't have to be
>>thorough or
>> > exacting: you don't have to go through every file, but we want to make
>> > sure the important ones have a good chance of getting through the
>> process.
>> > 2) Once it looks like there aren't any blockers, there has to be a
>> > vote.  Of course, if someone comes up with an objection on this
>> > that might end the discussion right there.
>> > 3) Once the vote results come out in favor, then you will have to fill
>> out
>> > certain forms which may involve getting signatures from people with
>> > authority to sign contracts.  For example, at Adobe, I have to get a
>> to
>> > sign the grant form.  One of the forms requires some description of
>> > files so this is when you do have to scrub every file to make sure
>> > file you plan to donate has, to the best of your knowledge, a
>> > that is acceptable to Apache.
>> > 4) Once the forms and files are ready, the signed forms get submitted
>> > Apache.  Once recorded, someone, usually me, prepares another form
>> > another group at Apache called the Incubator reviews along with the
>> files.
>> >  In preparation for this review, the files get scrubbed again, this
>> > with an eye towards how Apache handles source files.  Sometimes,
>> > files will need to be removed or modified.  Finally, once the review
>> > determines there are no further issues, the code will land in an
>> > repo.
>> >
>> > HTH,
>> > -Alex

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