I'm following this mailing list since it started.
It seems that all the guys here manage to get things done because they move
on from simply stating problems.Everyone takes a task and works on it.

even if you have the best intentions, even if you are right about
everything, it's time to take the next step and show you're serious and not
someone who just wants to complain about how things are.

What Erik and the other guys try to tell you is that you made your point.
You explained what you think is best for Flash as a platform. Keep flaming
JS or Apple or anyone else won't create the player for you and won't give
you serious developers as allies.
And if you honestly want to build something huge like that, then you need
all the help you can get.

Try to focus on what needs to be done to get where you want, not on
complaining about what has already happened or why you don't like JS.

On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 5:29 AM, Eric <eh.fx...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've been reading along with the entire thread and I also agree with
> Stephane (albeit I'm guilty of much more pessimism regarding the future).
> Stephane, since the point has been made here (to the choir) pretty
> thoroughly now... if you're looking to stir up interest, what about picking
> another community or two to continue?  Maybe somewhere on Reddit?  Invite
> everyone here or on Facebook to join in on the discussion to keep it
> active, but keep any posts here minimal and on topic.
> Definitely open up talk on friendly grounds (ie. Flash communities).  In
> other areas, I don't know - it's likely to devolve into a flame war (your
> choice of words tends to be divisive).  I suspect all you'd find is zealous
> closed mindedness or even ridicule, but then again I am the pessimist here
> and maybe I'm wrong.
> -Eric
> On 2/26/2015 2:10 PM, David Frank wrote:
>> I'm with Stephanie here. I'm actually a nobody in this group, but I feel
>> the discussion here is actually still shining the ray of hope that drives
>> me to stay in Flex and not jump ship like several of my fellow Flex
>> developers. In fact it is the discussion here that has led me to tell my
>> supervisor about the possible reemergence of Flash one day. I would never
>> have known about any of these had it not been for the discussion in this
>> thread.
>> Cheers,
>> David
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: omup...@gmail.com [mailto:omup...@gmail.com] On Behalf Of
>> OmPrakash Muppirala
>> Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2015 10:33 AM
>> To: dev@flex.apache.org
>> Subject: Re: "The Player", a case for an independent Flash Player
>> On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 10:24 AM, Stephane Beladaci (Flexengineer) <
>> adobeflexengin...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>  Erik,
>>> What is your problem exactly? You are the only one complaining, the
>>> discussion is actually picking up, several participants reminded you
>>> that this discussion has its place here. So what it is, am I an
>>> obstacle to the Apache Foundation grand plan to hijack Flex to JS? Or
>>> is it just that you do not like what I say? Because it is very
>>> relevant to the future of every Flex developer, with their career on the
>>> line.
>>> So you know what, if you have a problem with this thread just ban me.
>>> I have been having increasing concerns about whether or not Apache is
>>> a good home for Flex. So make my point. The last one who tried was
>>> Apple on their forums and it was retweeted around the globe nonstop
>>> every minute for 24 hours.
>>> -Stephane
>>>  Stephane,
>> I am with Erik (and I guess most of the Apache Flex PMC is too)  I think
>> the discussion has strayed away from the original intention.
>> I suggest that the next steps would be create a github project, start
>> coding the new player and share it with the mailing list.  If people like
>> what they see, they will start contributing.
>> Thanks,
>> Om
>>> On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 8:45 AM, Erik de Bruin <e...@ixsoftware.nl>
>>> wrote:
>>>  Stephane,
>>>> Between Ray Kurzweil and Larry Flint you've gone off topic far and
>>>> long enough. I don't see how reiterating the same 'industry
>>>> observations' over and over will bring your suggested "The Player"
>>>> product any closer.
>>>> This forum is dedicated to discussions about issues related to the
>>>> development of Flex SDK related software in the context of the
>>>> Apache organization. If you plan to start the development of the "The
>>>> Player"
>>>> product under the Apache Flex project, I'm sure the PMC is open to
>>>> considering an in depth and coherent proposal. If you plan to
>>>> develop
>>> this
>>>> software under a different umbrella, please point any interested
>>>> devs
>>> there
>>>> and continue this 'discussion' over on that forum.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> EdB

Nick Tsitlakidis,

Co Founder and Software Engineer at Perfect Edge LTD.

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