On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 10:24 AM, Stephane Beladaci (Flexengineer) <
adobeflexengin...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Erik,
> What is your problem exactly? You are the only one complaining, the
> discussion is actually picking up, several participants reminded you that
> this discussion has its place here. So what it is, am I an obstacle to the
> Apache Foundation grand plan to hijack Flex to JS? Or is it just that you
> do not like what I say? Because it is very relevant to the future of every
> Flex developer, with their career on the line.
> So you know what, if you have a problem with this thread just ban me. I
> have been having increasing concerns about whether or not Apache is a good
> home for Flex. So make my point. The last one who tried was Apple on their
> forums and it was retweeted around the globe nonstop every minute for 24
> hours.
> -Stephane

I am with Erik (and I guess most of the Apache Flex PMC is too)  I think
the discussion has strayed away from the original intention.

I suggest that the next steps would be create a github project, start
coding the new player and share it with the mailing list.  If people like
what they see, they will start contributing.


> On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 8:45 AM, Erik de Bruin <e...@ixsoftware.nl> wrote:
> > Stephane,
> >
> > Between Ray Kurzweil and Larry Flint you've gone off topic far and long
> > enough. I don't see how reiterating the same 'industry observations' over
> > and over will bring your suggested "The Player" product any closer.
> >
> > This forum is dedicated to discussions about issues related to the
> > development of Flex SDK related software in the context of the Apache
> > organization. If you plan to start the development of the "The Player"
> > product under the Apache Flex project, I'm sure the PMC is open to
> > considering an in depth and coherent proposal. If you plan to develop
> this
> > software under a different umbrella, please point any interested devs
> there
> > and continue this 'discussion' over on that forum.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > EdB
> >

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