On 11/25/16, 10:22 AM, "Alex Harui" <aha...@adobe.com> wrote:

>On 11/25/16, 7:41 AM, "carlos.rov...@gmail.com on behalf of Carlos Rovira"
><carlos.rov...@gmail.com on behalf of carlos.rov...@codeoscopic.com>
>>Hi Alex,
>>I'm looking through the different components and can't see the the way to
>>assign the items to the container (removing the div from DataGroup). Can
>>you give some clue about where to look?
>I don't have much time right now.  It is a holiday in the US.  IIRC, Peter
>recently made some changes so the outer component can be the IContentView.

MXMLItemRenderer was recently set up to not need an separate IContentView.

>>One more thing, beads names are about "Selection" but when I tun the
>>example nothing is selectable...Don't understand that
>Looks like List is sending an "initComplete" event that drives the setup
>of the selection event management.  It probably shouldn't do that or that
>code needs to be moved to ListBase.  I'll look into it more if I get some
>time this evening.

I made a few changes to have the beads use beadAdded and selection seems
to be working now.


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