I've noticed that the skinconf.xml contains all the skin colors. Generally, that is the place they belong, but I see some problems with this:

a. it takes a lot of space (half the file is dedicated to colors)
b. since the colors are usually grouped (per skin - pelt, leather, etc) - meaning there should be some additional level that's currently missing
c. the default color definitions are not located anywhere except as a comment in the default skinconf.xml - which means most people do not remove the comments because you wouldn't know where to retrieve them in case you will change skin

What I would suggest is to introduce an additional (optional) file called "skin-colors.xml" which will contain the site's color definitions. It should be optional of course.

What's more, with this configuration, we will be able to provide several files - each containing the "skin-colors.xml" file to use (the forrest.properties can have a property that points to it, with a sensible default) so I can have several color configurations and simply "pick out" the one I want by changing a property in forrest.properties.

What do you think?

Thorsten Scherler wrote:

here is a proposal for a new skinconf format. 

This is based on the recent user discussion (skinconf text elements in
group.svg) which showed again that our skinconf needs to be more
extensible without touching the dtd. 

<forrest:property contract="copyright">
  <!-- The following are used to construct a copyright statement -->
  <vendor>The Apache Software Foundation.</vendor>

The idea is to allow all xml within a forrest:property.



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